Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Doing Research: The Case of Organizational Design

T. Cummings, Susan A. Mohrman, A. Mohrman, Jr., and G. Ledford, Jr. present a framework for understanding
a research approach with organizations that are designing and redesigning themselves to adapt to rapid and fundamental societal changes.

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The Impact of Information Systems Technology on Organizations: A Review of Theory and Research

This paper by A. Mohrman, Jr. and Edward E. Lawler III reviews the results of recent studies on the impact of office-oriented information technologies.

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Education, Management Style & Organizational Effectiveness

Edward E. Lawler III examines the relationship between education, management style, and organizational effectiveness.

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Utilization of Organizational Behavior Knowledge: The Improbable Task

This paper by Warren G. Bennis and Joseph DeBell aims to outline and evaluate the major interventions used to apply behavioral science to improving organizational effectiveness.

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Gainsharing: Some Questions and Fewer Answers

The experience of 33 organizations with gainsharing programs is reviewed and summarized in this paper by R. Bullock and Edward E. Lawler III.

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Quality Circles — A Self-Destruct Approach?

Edward E. Lawler III and Susan A. Mohrman review the stages of quality circle development and enumerate threats to their continued existence.

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Creating Useful Research With Organizations: Relationships and Process Issues

Susan A. Mohrman, Thomas Cummings, and Edward E. Lawler III explain that concern about the usefulness of organizational research exists in both the academic and practitioner communities.

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Managing Organizational Decline: The Case for Transorganizational Systems

This paper by Thomas G. Cummings, Larry E. Greiner, and Judith F. Blumenthal discusses transorganizational systems as an innovative yet increasingly frequent response to organizational decline.

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Employee Involvement in Declining Organizations

Susan A. Mohrman and A. Mohrman, Jr. argue that declining organizations are both an impetus for and an impediment to employee involvement approaches to management.

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Quality of Work Life

Susan A. Mohrman and Edward E. Lawler III discuss how in the middle 1970s, American industry began to search for new approaches to management suitable for an emerging world economy characterized by rapid technological change, and for a workforce with increased education, expectations, and willingness to challenge the status quo.

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Accounting for the Quality of Work Life

Phil Mirvis and Edward E. Lawler III describe the development and issuance of an independent report on the quality of work life in a Corporation.

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Why Our Old Pictures of the World Don’t Work any More or Why It’s Become so Difficult to Believe in Traditional Research

The methods of the social sciences were largely developed for a mechanistic conception of the world. This paper by Ian I. Mitroff discusses why such methods are no longer appropriate.

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