Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Why High Performance Work Design Trumps Employee Engagement

In this article Alec Levenson (CEO) takes an in-depth look at high performance, how it’s related to and different from engagement, and what leaders have to do to develop and sustain high performance.

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Analytics for Driving High Performance

In this webinar, Alec Levenson will address how to conduct analytics to ensure you have the right elements in place for high performance – and where there are gaps that have to be filled. Drawing from his new book, Strategic Analytics, he will present a framework and step-by-step process for diagnosing the barriers to high performance.

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Strategic Analytics, 12/1/15

This webinar aligns with Alec Levenson’s new book, Strategic Analytics: Advancing Strategy Execution and Organizational Effectiveness.

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