Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Scaling Tools

This challenge has to do with spreading worthwhile digital innovations across the enterprise
Organizations are struggling to conduct four types of scaling activity: (1) rolling out optimized processes to the larger organization; (2) growing a start-up business to a full standalone P&L; (3) scaling agile units; and, (4) pushing a capability out to the value chain
These tools are intended to help raise awareness of the challenge and to provide useful guides to actions you can take to scale innovations

STARLab Consortium

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STARLab Digital Transformation Challenge Toolkit

This toolkit was created for your use in helping your organization through digital transformation
It is based on the work of the STARLab, which brought companies together to discuss common challenges in digital transformation and prototype solutions, including organization redesign
The toolkit was created by members of the STARLab team based on the thinking of the participants and their own experience with digital transformation and digital sociotechnical redesign

STARLab Consortium

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Integration-Coordination Tools

This challenge has to do with aligning parts and units of the organization around a common digital transformation roadmap that addresses local and global digital investments
Leaders need to provide clear direction regarding what should be decided globally and what should be decided locally
These tools are intended to help raise awareness of the challenge and to provide useful guides to actions you can take to design a more coordinated approach to digital transformation

STARLab Consortium

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Hierarchy-Network Tools

This challenge has to do with designing organizational networks that enable agility and connect ecosystem capabilities in place of or as a complement to traditional hierarchical structures
Silos and hierarchies must give way to networks in order to enable rapid adoption of new digital ways of working. Definitions of control, coordination, direction setting, resource allocation, trust, and strategizing in a network have to be redefined and made primary. Ecosystem networks are key.
These tools are intended to help raise awareness of the challenge and to provide useful guides to actions you can take to design a network-based organization

STARLab Consortium

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Front-Back Tools

This challenge has to do with using digital technology to enhance customer-focus and responsiveness
The success of delighting customers through the application of digital technology depends on the ability of the rest of the business to adapt to the new demands of digital customer service.
These tools are intended to help raise awareness of the challenge and to provide useful guides to actions you can take to design a more customer-focused organization

STARLab Consortium

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Digital Talent Tools

This challenge has to do with developing a strategy to upgrade the digital capabilities of talent companies were challenged by the need to recruit and retrain digital talent on the one hand and diffuse digital knowledge on the other.
These tools are intended to help raise awareness of the challenge and to provide useful guides to actions you can take to shift your talent to be more digital

STARLab Consortium

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Digital Leadership Tools

This challenge has to do with getting leaders up to speed on what they need to know and do to support digital transformation
Companies reported that designing and balancing efficiency and digital innovation is hard and fraught with tensions and conflicts. The two types of work produce radically different structures, designs and cultures, which are often contradictory in purpose and management.
These tools are intended to help raise awareness of the challenge and to provide useful guides to actions you

STARLab Consortium

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Digital Change Tools

This challenge has to do with enhancing the scope, scale and speed of change to accommodate the rapid pace of digitization
Despite obvious interdependencies among the different changes, the organization lacked the capability to orchestrate, coordinate, and sequence these multiple, simultaneous, and often fundamental changes.
These tools are intended to help raise awareness of the challenge and to provide useful guides to actions you can take to enhance your organization’s ability to change

STARLab Consortium

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Fundamental Organization Transitions: Managing Complex, Simultaneous Change at Driscoll’s

In this webinar, Dan Ritter, Senior Manager for Organization Effectiveness at Driscoll’s will share the implementation of a systemic change at Driscolls focusing on fundamental transformation in the strategy and business model, but simultaneously developing capabilities and enhancing agility.

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2019 Sponsor Meeting Presentations

Downloadable PowerPoint Presentations in PDF format from the 2019 Sponsor Meeting at the Portofino Hotel in Los Angeles.

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How Incubators Enable Business Model Change and New Ways of Working at Humana

In this webinar, Jeanna Kozak will describe the approach that has been taken by Humana, Inc, which is using an incubator to achieve fundamental change in its business model with a goal to: Co-create simple, personalized, and connected experiences so that providers and patients may engage and easily manage health holistically.

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Adapting to Disruption: Frameworks and Lessons from the Field

In this webinar, Chris Worley and Sue Mohrman from USC’s Center for Effective Organizations and Beth Gunderson, Senior Director of Organization Capabilities at General Mills, will present field based learning and new frameworks for continual transformation. General Mills, like all processed foods companies, has been exposed to severe industry disruption. Beth will discuss approaches they have taken through the lens of the new models and frameworks that are needed to routinely respond to disruption.

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