A new article by John Boudreau is available at Visier. The evolving work ecosystem demands that leaders consider applying new work arrangements, but are those arrangements associated with HR’s role as a strategic partner? A unique survey of U.S. HR leaders shows how HR’s strategic activities associate with using new work arrangements.
Research and Insights Archive
Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations
Available Content
The Best Strategy to Achieve True Innovation: The latest post from John Boudreau
In your organization, does innovation mean finding new ways to exploit what you already do well, or exploring arenas where you’re unfamiliar and will make mistakes? Or both?
Finding the Talent Pivot-Points that are Strategic to Performance Management
This webinar with John Boudreau will show how the tools and frameworks of “Strategic Partnership with Impact” offer insights to these vitally important strategic questions.
Shouldn’t You Be Working Right Now?
John Boudreau (CEO) share how most HR and management systems presume that maximizing meritocracy and differentiation between performance levels is always a good thing. Leaders would do well to question that assumption, and to become as savvy about performance differentiation as they are about differentiation when it comes to customers, financial investments and operations.
It’s “Like” Harnessing Analogies to Accelerate HR
Some researchers suggest using very specific and simple analogies to describe small incremental changes, and broader analogies (such as to sports, warfare or art) when disrupting or rethinking existing frameworks.
Is the Best Career Erratic or Predictable? Data from Freelance Platforms Offers Clues
John Boudreau explains how the freelance world and the traditional world share similarities: Freelancer movement between similar jobs is still more attractive than erratic movement, and proven experience and a past relationship make erraticism more tolerable.
The Search for Global Competence: From International HR to Talent Management
This article by Wayne F. Cascio (University of Colorado Denver) and John W. Boudreau (CEO) describes the evolution of the search for global competence through a fifty-year content analysis and review of published research in the field of International HR Management (IHRM), and more recently, Talent Management (TM), with special emphasis on the Journal of World Business.
Talent Management of Nonstandard Employees
Wayne F. Cascio (U Colorado Denver) and John W. Boudreau (CEO) discuss how more and more workers are operating outside the traditional confines of regular, full-time employment. They may be “free agents” or “e-lancers” (that is, freelancers in the digital world) who work for themselves, or they may be employees of an organization a firm is allied with, employees of an outsourcing or temporary-help firm, or even volunteers.
Corporate Boards and HR
John W. Boudreau (CEO) and Edward E. Lawler III (CEO)
As boards face growing pressure to step up their understanding of strategic options, risk management, change management and globalization, it is particularly important that they have good data about the human capital issues that organizations face.
Finding the Strategic Talent Pivot-Points, 9/1/15
In this webinar, John Boudreau (Research Director, CEO), discusses how job descriptions usually describe work performed by full-time employees, throwing together a series of skills and requirements that seem large enough for an employment contract.
CHREATE (The Global Consortium to Reimagine HR, Employment Alternatives, Talent, and the Enterprise)
The Global Consortium to Reimagine HR, Employment Alternatives, Talent, and the Enterprise
Lead the Work: Navigating a World Beyond Employment
A detailed look at the evolution of employment and its far-reaching implications Lead the Work (John W. Boudreau, Ravin Jesuthasan, David Creelman (Wiley, 2015) takes an incisive look at the evolving nature of work, and how it’s affecting management and productivity at the organizational level.