Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Designing Performance Appraisal and Reward Systems for Procurement Professionals in the Telecommunications Industry

Mary Ann Von Glinow, Nirmal Sethia, and Steven Kerr argue that the telecommunications industry is in the throes of revolutionary changes. The new business environment has critically transformed the role and greatly enlarged the responsibilities of the procurement function in the industry.

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Managing Organizational Culture by Managing the Reward System

Nirmal K. Sethia and Mary Ann Von Glinow argue that management of culture is becoming a key challenge for the leadership in an increasing number of organizations.

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The Role of Feedback in the Creation of Useful Knowledge

Mary Ann Von Glinow and Nirmal Sethia explain that practical usefulness or relevance of the knowledge produced in academic settings has become an issue of growing concern in recent years.

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