Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Creating Excellence Out of Crisis: Organizational Transformation at the Chicago Tribune

This article by Robert M. Frame, Warren R. Nielsen, and Larry E. Pate describes an extensive organizational transformation effort-conceptually similar to an organization development program — with the Chicago Tribune, prompted by a walk-out strike in July 1985 involving about 1000 production workers.

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A Conditional Theory of CEO Intervention and Strategic Change

According to Arvind Bhambri and Larry Greiner, research reveals that new CEOs frequently intervene to attempt major strategic change but, on average, make a minimal impact on the economic performance of their organizations.

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Career Disintegration in Mergers and Acquisitions

In this paper by Rikard Larsson and Michael J. Driver, a career perspective is applied to mergers and acquisitions to highlight the individual viewpoint in these prevalent organizational events.

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Large-Scale Organizational Change

Large-Scale Organizational Change

Allan M. Mohrman, Susan Albers Mohrman, Gerald E. Ledford, Jr., Thomas G. Cummings, Edward E. Lawler III; Associates. (Jossey-Bass, 1989)
This book provides a comprehensive examination of the theoretical questions and practical issues organizations face when they undergo a large-scale change — that is, a change in the fundamental character of an entire organization.

Corporate Restructuring Team

This case by Susan G. Cohen explores the functioning of a top management team, charged with the responsibility of restructuring a rapidly growing, high-involvement firm.

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Past Success and New Challenges: The Top Management Team at Hilltop State Psychiatric Hospital(1)

Susan G. Cohen states that what enables a top management team to be successful in a crisis situation can become dysfunctional during a time of relative stability.

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New CEO Intervention and Dynamics of Deliberate Strategic Change

Larry E. Greiner and Arvind Bhambri state that growing evidence in the executive succession literature and the business press makes clear that many new CEOs attempt to introduce strategic change upon entering their jobs.

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Participative Managerial Behavior and Organizational Change

Managerial behavior has typically not been the lead variable in organizational change efforts. This paper by Susan A. Mohrman and Edward E. Lawler III examines the kinds of behaviors that are required of a manager in a high involvement organization.

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Attitudinal Effects of Employee Participation Groups: How Strong, How Persistent?

This study by Gerry Ledford, Jr. and Susan A. Mohrman examines attitudes of 823 employees who are current members, former members, or never members of employee participation groups.

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Changing Organizations: Strategic Choices

Key strategic choices in the design of change efforts are considered by Edward E. Lawler III. It is concluded that change efforts should be designed to incorporate such feature as informed consent, reinvention, a combination of bottoms up and top down change, organization wide installation and motivation based on a positive view of the change to be installed.

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Managing Cultural Differences in Mergers and Acquisitions: The Role of the Human Resource Function

C. Siehl, G. Ledford, Jr., R. Silverman, and P. Fay explain that no comprehensive data exist about the percentage of mergers and acquisitions that end in failure, but nearly all observers agree that the percentage is disturbingly high.

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Mental Judo As Practiced by Top Executives: Guidelines for Surviving in Turbulent Times

For over the past fifteen years through various consulting and workshop assignments, Ian Mitroff and Susan A. Mohrman have been studying the thinking patterns of top executives.

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