Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Teams and Technology: Tensions in Participatory Design

Don Mankin, Susan G. Cohen, and Tora K. Bikson address the trend that year after year, organizations increase their investment in new information and communication systems (IT) and use teams to do more and more of their work.

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Automate or Informate? An Investigation of the Effects of Information Technology on Motivation and Performance

Research by Gary C. McMahan, Richard W. Woodman, and Patrick M. Wright supports the hypotheses that task discretion moderates the relationship between both information technology and task motivation and the relationship between information technology and task performance.

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The Effects of Information Technology: An Investigation of the Motivational Impact of Information Technology

The results of this research by Gary C. McMahan, Richard Woodman, and Patrick M. Wright support the notion that there are at least two distinct types of information technology that affect the motivational level of a task. Results also support the hypothesis that task discretion moderates the relationship between information technology and task motivation.

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Technology Transfer as a Collaborative Learning

R. Tenkasi, and S. Mohrman argue that soft technologies/innovations such as MBO or quality circles are not equipment based but have to do with techniques, procedures, approaches, processes, and methods.

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Perspective Making and Perspective Taking in Communities of Knowing

In this paper, Richard J. Boland Jr. and Ramkrishnan V. Tenkasi look to science as an example of knowledge work in a community of knowing, and draw implications for the design of electronic communication systems and policies to support perspective making and perspective taking.

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Designing Information Technology to Support Distributed Cognition

Richard J. Boland Jr., Ramkrishnan V. Tenkasi, and Dov Te’Eni discuss how cognition in organizations is a distributed phenomenon, in which individual members of an organization reflect upon their experience, make plans, or take action.

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Human Resources Strategies for Lateral Integration in a High-Technology Setting

S. Mohrman, A. Mohrman, Jr., and S. Cohen discuss how the literature on high technology management points overwhelmingly to the importance of lateral integration processes for successful performance.

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Technology Environments and Organizational Choice

Prevailing technology conditions in an industry are predicted to influence aspects of industry structure and conduct, and corporate organization and management.This article by William Davidson focuses on three variables to measure industry-specific technology conditions: average development cost, development cycle, and life cycle for major new technologies.

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Technology and Global Strategies and Organizations

Jay Galbraith discusses how technology is viewed as a pervasive force bringing about today’s global competition.

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High Technology Organizations: Context, Organization and People

Firms in global high technology industries face key challenges. This paper by Susan A. Mohrman and M. Von Glinow October presents a preliminary framework that delineates aspects of their context, organization and human resources.

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High Technology Performance Management

A. Mohrman, Jr., Susan A. Mohrman, and Christopher G. Worley explain that high technology work is complex and dynamic, requires innovation, and is highly interdependent.

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