Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Supporting Knowledge Diversity in Knowledge Intensive Firms: A New Frontier for Information System Design

This paper by Richard J. Boland, Jr., Ramkrishnan V. Tenkasi, and Anil K Maheshwari argues the need for information systems that actively value the diversity of differentiated knowledge and that provide mechanisms for the integration of knowledge which respects the separateness of each expertise and way of knowing.

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Technology Transfer as a Collaborative Learning

R. Tenkasi, and S. Mohrman argue that soft technologies/innovations such as MBO or quality circles are not equipment based but have to do with techniques, procedures, approaches, processes, and methods.

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Perspective Making and Perspective Taking in Communities of Knowing

In this paper, Richard J. Boland Jr. and Ramkrishnan V. Tenkasi look to science as an example of knowledge work in a community of knowing, and draw implications for the design of electronic communication systems and policies to support perspective making and perspective taking.

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The Effects of a Shift-System Innovation on a Turnover and Absenteeism: A Naturally Occurring Field Experiment

In this paper by Thomas G. Cummings and Mark A. Kizilos, the impact of a participatively designed 12-hour shift system on employee turnover and absenteeism was examined in a naturally occurring field experiment.

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Management and Organization Principles for the Information Economy

William H. Davidson discusses the industrialization of the economy which spanned more than one and one-half centuries. During this period, industrial technologies and concepts, such as product standardization and mass production, permeated virtually all sectors of economic activity.

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Technology Environments and Organizational Choice

Prevailing technology conditions in an industry are predicted to influence aspects of industry structure and conduct, and corporate organization and management.This article by William Davidson focuses on three variables to measure industry-specific technology conditions: average development cost, development cycle, and life cycle for major new technologies.

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The Shaping of Creativity in Organizations

Nirmal K. Sethia analyzes the distinctive attributes of creative individuals and resources required for creative work. The knowledge thus gleaned is used for illustrating how creativity is shaped significantly by its organizational context, in particular, by leadership, organizational structure, and reward system.

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High Technology Performance Management

A. Mohrman, Jr., Susan A. Mohrman, and Christopher G. Worley explain that high technology work is complex and dynamic, requires innovation, and is highly interdependent.

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Self-Designing Organizations: Towards Implementing Quality-of-Work-Life Innovations

This chapter by Tom Cummings and Susan A. Mohrman develops a strategy for implementing innovations requiring fundamental organizational change.

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Assessing Innovative Organizational Design: The Case for A Feedback/Adaptation Model

Organizational change projects entail dynamic complex processes through which organizations and their members learn new ways to function. This paper by T. Cummings and Susan A. Mohrman assesses the appropriateness of traditional evaluation models for the assessment of these projects.

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