Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Fast HRM and Leadership Confidence: Update and Learning from the Field, 10/19/2010

Theresa Welbourne, Research Professor and Bill Cushard, Chief Learning Officer, Knowland Group spoke on October 19 about Fast HRM and the results of the Summer 2010 Leadership Pulse, as well as new high-level findings from the Fall 2010 Leadership Pulse).

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Recasting Leadership Development

This article by Morgan W. McCall, Jr.(USC) begins with seven reasonably sure bets about the role of experience in leadership development, ponders the reasons that what is known is so rarely applied, suggests some things that can be done to put experience at the center of development, and concludes with recommendations for practice and for research.

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Boardroom Realities: Building Leaders Across Your Board

Boardroom Realities: Building Leaders Across Your Board

The aim of the book Boardroom Realities by Jay Conger (Jossey-Bass, 2009) is to help you address the governance realities facing boardrooms today and to demonstrate that boardroom leadership and character make the primary difference in the performance of the board.

Resource Movement: Can We Predict Growth and Decline?

Leadership Pulse by Theresa M. Welbourne (CEO) is an on-going learning opportunity for leaders from around the world to share their ideas and thoughts on issues relevant to leaders in today’s ever changing business environment.

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Make Human Capital a Source of Competitive Advantage

This article by Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) looks at four areas where human capital should have a major impact on design: corporate boards, leadership, the human resource department, and information practices.

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Leadership Confidence: What Goes Down…Keeps Going Down

Theresa M. Welbourne (CEO) states that the problem we find is that when leader confidence erodes, then employee confidence declines.

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Sharing Leadership on Corporate Boards: A Critical Requirement for Teamwork at the Top

Jay A. Conger (CEO) and Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) argue that critical to the success of a high performance board is the ability of its directors to share leadership and to work as a dynamic team.

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Make Human Capital a Source of Competitive Advantage

This article by Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) looks at four areas where human capital should have a major impact on design: corporate boards, leadership, the human resource department, and information practices.

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Crafting a Path Toward Mastery: Turning a Personal Leadership Development Plan into Something

Morgan W. McCall, Jr. (USC) attempts to describe an alternative approach to creating a personal plan for developing leadership ability.

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Developing the Expert Leader

In this article, Morgan W. McCall, Jr. (USC) and George P. Hollenbeck (Hollenbeck and Associates) look at leadership through the lens of expertise and relate the findings of a wide range of research on experts, expertise, and expert performance to how we think about leaders and leadership development.

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What’s a Leadership Book, Anyway?

Nearly every author alive who has written a significant book on leadership gathered recently at Harvard’s Kennedy School to celebrate the career of the patriarch of their field, the redoubtable eighty-one year-old Warren Bennis.

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