Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

The “Learning Bureaucracy”: New United Motor Manufacturing, Inc.

Paul S. Adler discusses how the human aspects of Japanese manufacturing management techniques are currently under intense debate.

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The Effects of a Shift-System Innovation on a Turnover and Absenteeism: A Naturally Occurring Field Experiment

In this paper by Thomas G. Cummings and Mark A. Kizilos, the impact of a participatively designed 12-hour shift system on employee turnover and absenteeism was examined in a naturally occurring field experiment.

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The Effectiveness of Self-Managing Teams: A Quasi-Experiment

This study by S. Cohen and G. Ledford, Jr. uses a quasi-experimental design to assess the effectiveness of self-managing teams in a telecommunications company.

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Paying the Person: A Better Approach to Management

This article by Edward Lawler III reviews problems with job based management systems and focuses particularly on the impact of job evaluation systems.

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Managing Employee Involvement

Edward Lawler III considers three types of involvement: suggestion, job and high. Points out how they differ in structure and impact. Identifies the organization conditions where each fits best.

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The Performance Management of Teams

This paper by A. Mohrman, Jr., S. Mohrman, and E. Lawler III describes some of the forces that are heightening the importance of teamwork in organizations today, and the challenges they pose for the management of performance.

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Teams and Teamwork: Future Directions

Will organizations expand their use of teams and teamwork mechanisms over the next ten years? This chapter by Susan G. Cohen examines the current use of teams and internal networked designs, and predicts that their use will grow.

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Small World, Isn’t It? Personal Networks and Infrastructural Development

Howard E. Aldrich and Mary Ann Von Glinow review some key concepts that help managers and planners understand the characteristics of networks and how people’s access to information is affected by their position in them.

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Performance Appraisal Research at The Center for Effective Organizations

Allan M. Mohrman, Jr. reports that the Center for Effective Organizations has conducted research on performance appraisal and, more generally, performance management for ten years.

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Performance Appraisal Research at the Center for Effective Organizations

A. Mohrman, Jr. 1990 Performance Appraisal Research at the Center for Effective Organizations

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Group Empowerment: Group Purpose and QWL in a State Psychiatric Hospital for Adolescents

This study by Susan G. Cohen examines the relationship between group purpose and group empowerment for three staff teams in a psychiatric hospital–a top management team, a summer planning task force, and a clinical group.

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A Longitude Field Study of Organization Development Using Archival Measures of Employee Absenteeism and Turnover

This research by Louis R. Pondy and Larry E. Pate attempted to determine the power of an organization development (OD) program to reduce absenteeism and turnover rates among hourly employees of a medium-sized Midwestern life insurance company in the USA.

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