Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Contrasting Participant Reactions to Participation in Performance Appraisals

This study by Allan M. Mohrman, Jr. and J. Bruce Prince considers the effects of subordinate participation on both participants in appraisal events, managers as well as subordinates.

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After the Founder: An Opportunity to Manage Culture

The purpose of this paper by Caren Siehl is to address the question of “If culture can be managed, when and what aspects of culture can be managed”.

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Job Evaluation: A Critique

Edward E. Lawler III reviews the organizational consequences of traditional point factor approaches to job evaluation.

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Pay for Performance: A Motivational Analysis

This paper by Edward E. Lawler III analyzes the motivational effectiveness of piece-rate incentive plans and merit salary increases.

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Education, Management Style & Organizational Effectiveness

Edward E. Lawler III examines the relationship between education, management style, and organizational effectiveness.

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Quality of Work Life

Susan A. Mohrman and Edward E. Lawler III discuss how in the middle 1970s, American industry began to search for new approaches to management suitable for an emerging world economy characterized by rapid technological change, and for a workforce with increased education, expectations, and willingness to challenge the status quo.

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Accounting for the Quality of Work Life

Phil Mirvis and Edward E. Lawler III describe the development and issuance of an independent report on the quality of work life in a Corporation.

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Organizational Outcomes of Creativity

Mary Ann Glinow and Steven Kerr state that it is an assumption not an established fact, that “creative individuals and organizations” are more productive in terms
of commonly used financial and productivity criteria, and once an individual has become “creative,” the firm will benefit.

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Performance Appraisal Revisited

Edward E. Lawler III, Allan Mohrman, Jr., and Susan Resnick report on a series of studies concerned with performance appraisal effectiveness.

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What Ever Happened to Incentive Pay?

Edward E. Lawler III reviews the decline of Incentive Pay plans. Points out that many forces have caused this to happen and warns that we must not give up on pay as an incentive. Gainsharing plans are suggested as an alternative to incentive pay.

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The Impact of Quality Circles: A Conceptual View

Susan A. Mohrman states that Quality Circles (Q.C. Circles) are one of the most recent managerial innovations to be widely adopted by American businesses.

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