Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

From Human Resource Management to Organizational Effectiveness

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) explains that for at least the last decade virtually every book, article, and speech on the future of the human resources function in corporations has emphasized the need for change.

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No More Excuses for HR: It’s Time to Add Value and Cut Costs

In 1995, our survey of HR executives reported that the HR department spent 80 percent of its time on managing administrative services such as payroll, benefits, relocation, record keeping, and the auditing and development of HR processes. When we resurveyed these executives in 2001, their responses were the same.

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Human Resources Business Process Outsourcing

Human Resources Business Process Outsourcing

Edward E. Lawler III, David Ulrich, Jac Fitz-enz, James Madden, and Regina Maruca, (Jossey-Bass, 2004) discuss how today’s highly competitive marketplace demands that human resources departments emerge from under their administrative workloads and become full partners in determining their organizations’ winning strategies.

Sustainability and the Talentship Paradigm: Strategic Human Resource Management Beyond the Bottom Line

John W. Boudreau states that sustainability language is in the mission statements of many global organizations, particularly those with European roots, and whose products and services carry highly visible ecological and social consequences, and it is rapidly becoming common among organizations beyond Europe and in a wide variety of industries.

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Strategy and Organization Consulting

This article by Jay R. Galbraith is about the convergence of strategy and organizational consulting.

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4-D Theory of Strategic Transformation: When New CEOs Succeed and Fail

Larry Greiner, Thomas Cummings, and Arvind Bhambri discuss how there is no honeymoon for most new CEOs these days. Instead, they are challenged immediately by their boards to make major changes and improve financial performance. Entering with strong mandates for change, new CEOs frequently launch strategic transformation initiatives.

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Performance Improvement Capability: Keys to Accelerating Performance Improvements in Hospitals

Paul S. Adler, Seok_Woo Kwon, Patricia Riley, Jordana Signer, Ben Lee, and Ram Satrasala explain that improvement trajectory is the fruit of a series of improvement projects, the proximate cause of this variation between organizations lies in the varied ways these projects are managed.

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HR As a Strategic Partner: What Does it Take to Make it Happen?

E. Lawler and S. Mohrman share that a number of articles, books and studies have argued that HR needs to become a strategic partner. But is HR becoming a strategic partner?

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Leveraging Adversity for Strategic Advantage

A. Levenson shares how in 2000-01 companies were hit hard by a number of economic shocks, including industry-specific cycles, the stock market collapse, and national recession.

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ROI and Strategy for Teams and Collaborative Work Systems

Alec Levenson share that return on investment (ROI) has long been used to evaluate capital spending projects. The underlying principle is straightforward and compelling: use a uniform financial metric for projects and outcomes that otherwise would be difficult to compare.

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