Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Talent Analytics Measurement and Reporting: Building a Decision Science or Merely Tracking Activity?

John W. Boudreau (CEO) and Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) ask the question “Is the use and effectiveness of talent and HR reporting progressing from a focus on cost-efficiency and process-effectiveness, and toward a balanced combination that includes them, but extends to strategic measures than enhance talent and business decisions?”

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Research Update: Pay for Skills, Knowledge, and Competencies

Gerald E. Ledford, Jr. and Charles Rivers write that research interest in pay for skills, knowledge, and competencies (SKC) has continued over the past three decades.

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Using Motivation Theory to Improve Gamification

Gerald E. Ledford, Jr. (CEO) and Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) explore the topic of gamification. Today, the purposeful use of games in work settings is growing rapidly. Organizations are rapidly embracing the systematic use of “gamification,” which brings game-like elements to core managerial processes.

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Influence and Persuasion Skills, 1/30/15

Jay Conger discussed the four primary fault lines in leadership. He presented opportunities to “shake-up” the current industry of leadership. Jay covered the cultural attributes and emerging needs in leadership as well as common derailers and transition demands.

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Revised Employee Involvement: Research Foundations

George S. Benson (University of Texas) and Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) share that high-involvement management practices (defined as an integrated set of Human Resource and work design practices that are designed to give all employees the skills, information, power, and rewards to make decisions in the workplace) have generated enormous interest among researchers in many different disciplines and geographies.

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What HR Executives Need to Know

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) explains that talking about HR as a business partner certainly does not help the situation. Asking to be a business partner just does not get the “job done”. This is what HR should be, and in most cases, it should make a very strong argument to be positioned as a major strategic contributor.

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Commentaries on “The Changing Landscape of Employee Rewards: Observations and Prescriptions”

This paper first summarizes key themes from a recent paper by Gerald Ledford that was published in Organizational Dynamics. That paper reviewed changes in employee reward systems during the past 35 years, looked at factors explaining the changes, and recommended a set of five changes in the future. Five distinguished corporate HR leaders then comment on the paper, exploring a number of important topics in contemporary employee rewards.

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Strategic Role of HR

What is the relationship between the design and management of the HR function and HR’s role in organizational strategy? This is the key design question and one that can be answered by examining the research evidence from John W. Boudreau’s (CEO) and Edward E. Lawler’s III (CEO) international survey of hundreds of HR leaders that has been done every three years since 1995.

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Top-down, bottom-up, outside-in, and from the middle out: Where traditional change processes fall short, 12/12/14, recording/slides

Eric Severson, Senior Vice President, Global Talent Solutions at Gap, Inc., talked about the integration of the many vectors of change that have been simultaneously unfolding as Gap Inc. has worked to achieve sustainable effectiveness as defined by business/financial and market success, meeting the needs of today’s global workforce, and pursuing world-leading corporate responsibility.

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