Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Network Designs For Sustainable Effectiveness—What Does it Really Take to Get Beyond the Constraints of Hierarchy and Segmentation?, 9/26/2011

To get a glimpse into the network design of the future, Sue Mohrman and Chris Worley shared a framework and case examples from our research on “Organizing for Sustainability.” Guest Speaker: Sally Breyley Parker, President, Currere, Inc.

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Models & Choices for Shared Functions & Services, 4/11/2011

Chris Worley and Sue Mohrman talk about Models and Choices for Shared Functions and Services. They provide models and company examples of how to design shared functions, services and Centers of Excellence.

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Beyond Change Management: From Traditional Phase Models to More Robust Models of Transformation Amidst Chaos, 2/7/2011

Chris Worley and Sue Mohrman highlighted the characteristics of more advanced models of continuous change and transformation suitable in today’s complex and dynamic environments. They noted that many organizations faced with overlapping cycles of changes that may or may not be nicely integrated in a neat and tidy model and that cannot be fully aligned, and also that an organization’s resilience is based on creating and preserving diversity in talent, strategies, and systems.

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Designing Matrix Organizations That Actually Work, 6/17/2009

Jay addresses the design of successful matrix organizations. He features the Star Model as a guide to design. He emphasizes the point that designing a successful matrix is less about structure and more about designing management processes, creating joint goals, managing conflict, clarifying roles and responsibilities and creating strong management teams; ends with HR practices, reward systems and selection criteria to complete the Star Model.

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