Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Applying Employee Involvement in Schools

This paper by S. Mohrman, E. Lawler III, and A. Mohrman, Jr. explores the applicability of employee involvement approaches to the management of schools. Three approaches to involvement are each described for organizations in general and then applied to schools in particular.

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New Forms of Organization III

The Center for Effective Organizations and Fiat have conducted a series of travelling seminars. This part of the series by Jay Galbraith focused on organization forms for competitive renewal.

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New Organization Forms for Manufacturing Competitiveness

Jay Galbraith of the Center for Effective Organizations and FIAT conducted their second “traveling seminar” in order to study new forms of organization being used by manufacturing companies.

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The Effectiveness of Self-Managing Teams: A Quasi-Experiment

This study by S. Cohen and G. Ledford, Jr. uses a quasi-experimental design to assess the effectiveness of self-managing teams in a telecommunications company.

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CEO Compensation Systems in Electric Utility Firms: Strategic and Environmental Effects

This paper by Sydney Finkelstein and Nandini Rajagopalan utilizes an agency theory perspective to study the effects of strategic orientation and environmental change on CEO compensation systems.

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Facing the Customer: Empowerment or Production Line?

D. Bowen and E. Lawler III explain that in recent years, there has been a rush to adopt an empowerment approach, in which employees face the customer “free of rulebooks,” encouraged to do whatever is necessary to satisfy the customer. The production-line approach is a very different management style.

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Paying the Person: A Better Approach to Management

This article by Edward Lawler III reviews problems with job based management systems and focuses particularly on the impact of job evaluation systems.

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Mexico’s Maquiladora Industry: Where Strategic Human Resource Management Makes a Difference

M. Teagarden, M. Butler, and M. Von Glinow argue that cost cutting is a challenge increasingly confronting managers. Chasing cheap labor, especially through use of offshore manufacturing in developing and newly industrialized Pacific Rim countries has become a popular response to this challenge.

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Do Good, Do Well: The Business Enterprise Trust Awards

This piece by James O’Toole explores both the validity of the Business Enterprise Trust’s efforts to reward business “virtue,” and the arguments of those who claim that doing good is bad business.

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Managing Employee Involvement

Edward Lawler III considers three types of involvement: suggestion, job and high. Points out how they differ in structure and impact. Identifies the organization conditions where each fits best.

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The Performance Management of Teams

This paper by A. Mohrman, Jr., S. Mohrman, and E. Lawler III describes some of the forces that are heightening the importance of teamwork in organizations today, and the challenges they pose for the management of performance.

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Teams and Teamwork: Future Directions

Will organizations expand their use of teams and teamwork mechanisms over the next ten years? This chapter by Susan G. Cohen examines the current use of teams and internal networked designs, and predicts that their use will grow.

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