Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Skill Based Pay

Skill based pay systems are described and contrasted with job based pay systems in this article by Edward E. Lawler III and G. Ledford, Jr.

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Reward Strategies for Attracting, Evaluating and Retaining Professionals

Mary Ann Von Glinow presents a typology of the design of organizational reward systems that explicitly addresses attraction, evaluation and retention of valued professionals is offered within four cultural contexts: the Apathetic Culture, the Caring Culture, the Exacting Culture, and the Integrative Culture.

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Assessing Innovative Organizational Design: The Case for A Feedback/Adaptation Model

Organizational change projects entail dynamic complex processes through which organizations and their members learn new ways to function. This paper by T. Cummings and Susan A. Mohrman assesses the appropriateness of traditional evaluation models for the assessment of these projects.

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Quality Circles in a Metropolitan Police Department

This paper by S. Hocevar and Susan A. Mohrman describes the background and status of a quality circles program in one division of a large metropolitan police department.

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Managing Organizational Culture by Managing the Reward System

Nirmal K. Sethia and Mary Ann Von Glinow argue that management of culture is becoming a key challenge for the leadership in an increasing number of organizations.

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Mission Impossible? Teaching Corporate America to Think

Ian I. Mitroff addresses why American management is ill-prepared and even resistant to facing the challenges of a turbulent world.

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Pay for Performance: A Motivational Analysis

This paper by Edward E. Lawler III analyzes the motivational effectiveness of piece-rate incentive plans and merit salary increases.

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The Design of Employee Participation Groups: Guidelines Based on Empirical Research

This paper by Susan A. Mohrman and G. Ledford, Jr. explores the importance of various design features in employee participation programs.

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Transference and Countertransference in Action Research Relationships

Gerald Ledford, Jr. explores transference and countertransference, two concepts from the psychotherapeutic literature, and their relevance to action research relationships is considered.

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Parallel Participation Structures: The Case of Quality Circles

This paper by Susan A. Mohrman and Edward E. Lawler III examines the typical life cycle of one kind of parallel organization, the Quality Circle. It makes the point that such structures tend to be unstable precisely because they are parallel.

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The New Pay

This paper by Edward E. Lawler III reviews the implications of new approaches to management for pay practices. It suggests that pay needs to be administered very differently in the future.

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Job-Person Dynamics and Career Development

The objective of this paper by Kenneth R. Brousseau is to explore the ways in which work can be utilized for developmental purposes.

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