In your organization, does innovation mean finding new ways to exploit what you already do well, or exploring arenas where you’re unfamiliar and will make mistakes? Or both?
Research and Insights Archive
Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations
Available Content
The Case for Employee Resource Groups: A Review and Social Identity Theory-Based Research Agenda
Despite their prevalence in the business world, there has been a scarce amount of theorizing and research focused on ERGs. To help facilitate the development of this work, the authors (Theresa M. Welbourne, Skylar Rolf, and Steven Schlachter) introduce a theoretical framework using social identity theory, as well as propositions that can serve to spur additional research on a critical topic for today’s businesses.
Using Workforce Analytics to Improve Strategy Execution
In this article Alec Levenson (CEO) introduces an approach to conducting workforce analytics that is designed to improve strategy execution and organizational effectiveness through the application of systems diagnostics.
The Rise and Fall of Talent Management: Time for Reinvention
Drawing upon research conducted with the Corporate Research Forum, Jay Conger will share the results of a global survey on the current state of talent management. This webinar explores the forces that have been eroding the efficacy of talent management innovations over the last several decades and proposes next steps to begin reinvigorating the field.
Workforce Engagement: Why it Matters, What it is, and What Drives it
In this webinar with Ben Schneider dove into employee engagement. Ben showed how company-level employee engagement—workforce engagement—gets reflected in future financial and customer satisfaction outcomes, discuss what drives engagement, and how a culture of engagement can get created in companies to produce important strategic consequences.
Why High Performance Work Design Trumps Employee Engagement
In this article Alec Levenson (CEO) takes an in-depth look at high performance, how it’s related to and different from engagement, and what leaders have to do to develop and sustain high performance.
Presenting the ERG Impact Model
In this webinar Theresa Welbourne reviews data from the most recent ERG research and survey work. Using results from 50 different companies we examine findings that help us explore how ERGs are impacting their businesses, members and company employees.
Alec Levenson talks with Talent10x on creating a high-performance culture
In the latest episode of Talent10x, Managing Editor Frank Kalman talks with Alec Levenson, a senior research scientist at the Center for Effective Organizations at the University of Southern California, on the value of high-performance work design and why CEOs need to pay more attention to the value of team, not individual, performance.
New CEO-WorldatWork Monograph on Cutting-Edge Performance Management
This monograph by Ledford, G., Benson, G., and Lawler, E. provides a comprehensive report of findings from a large-scale study of cutting-edge performance management practices. It covers several topics not discussed in other papers, such as detail on types of organizations that adopt cutting edge practices and change management issues in implementing these practices.
Finding the Talent Pivot-Points that are Strategic to Performance Management
This webinar with John Boudreau will show how the tools and frameworks of “Strategic Partnership with Impact” offer insights to these vitally important strategic questions.
Winning the Service Game
Learn why service quality is important and takeaway tools for creating a service climate. Benjamin Schneider will present guidelines on what it takes to deliver outstanding service based on company examples and decades of research.
Shouldn’t You Be Working Right Now?
John Boudreau (CEO) share how most HR and management systems presume that maximizing meritocracy and differentiation between performance levels is always a good thing. Leaders would do well to question that assumption, and to become as savvy about performance differentiation as they are about differentiation when it comes to customers, financial investments and operations.