Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Beyond Diversity: Is it Time for the Chief Relational Officer Job?

Beyond Diversity: Is it Time for the Chief Relational Officer Job?

Have you noticed that the people working in diversity are having a bit of an identity crisis?  The names of the departments have gone from Diversity to Diversity and Inclusion to Diversity Equity and Inclusion to some variations that include Diversity Inclusion and the term Belonging. Occasionally, you might see the term equality. For example, in numerous bold statements, Salesforce aggressively uses the word equality. Salesforce has embraced the term equality while in other organizations this language often is intentionally deleted from references to any diversity work.

The Impact of ERGs during COVID-19, Social Unrest, and the rest of 2020’s Surprises

The impact of ERGs during COVID-19, social unrest, and the rest of 2020’s surprises
with Theresa Welbourne

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The ROI of Wellness: Why Taking Care of Yourself and Your Employees Is Good for the Bottom Line

The ROI of Wellness: Why Taking Care of Yourself and Your Employees Is Good for the Bottom Line

Gratitude, mindfulness and empowerment. Not words usually associated with hard-charging, data-driven organizations—until recently. Increasingly, academic research is proving that employee well-being benefits company culture, employee retention and productivity, and the call to integrate these principles into everyday operations is entering the mainstream. Three USC Marshall researchers including CEO’s Jennifer Deal discuss details of their latest research into this topic.

Collision and Reflecting: Why Employee Resource Groups Make Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives Work

Collision and Reflecting: Why Employee Resource Groups Make Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives Work

Diversity and inclusion (D&I) is a hot topic today. It was always important, but now it’s ‘hot’ – that means people are paying attention to it like never before. Senior executives are looking to diversify their teams and boards while D&I professionals are striving to find the best way to engage employees, educate them and […]

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Presenting the ERG Impact Model

In this webinar Theresa Welbourne reviews data from the most recent ERG research and survey work. Using results from 50 different companies we examine findings that help us explore how ERGs are impacting their businesses, members and company employees.

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Appreciating and ‘retooling’ diversity in talent management conceptual models: A commentary on “The psychology of talent management: A review and research agenda”

This commentary by John W. Boudreau (CEO) on “The Psychology of Talent Management” suggests that readers should avoid concluding that the diversity of talent management concepts across psychological disciplines is something to be “corrected,” and instead embrace it as a resource to be tapped for future understanding.

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Lack of Women on Corporate Boards: The Problem or a Symptom?

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) shares that Britain is inching toward following other countries (including France, Spain, and Norway) in introducing compulsory quotas for the number of women on corporate boards.

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Taking Stock: A Review of More Than Twenty Years of Research on Empowerment at Work

Gretchen Spreitzer (University of Michigan) argues that to be successful in today’s global business environment, companies need the knowledge, ideas, energy, and creativity of every employee, from front line workers to the top level managers in the executive suite.

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