Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Individualizing Organizations: What it takes

Forty years ago, Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) wrote an article arguing that organizations could be more effective and provide a better quality of life for their employees if they would individualize their relationship with their employees.

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What Makes HR Effective?

What does the HR function of an organization have to do to be a high performer? To determine what makes HR effective, Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) and John W. Boudreau (CEO) surveyed senior HR executives and other executives from more than 200 U.S. corporations.

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Corporate Boards and Sustainability, 4/25/13, Audio/Slides

What are corporate boards doing to assure that their corporations are sustainably effective? This webinar with Ed Lawler (Director, CEO) and Sue Mohrman (Senior Research Scientist, CEO) was a review of the data from our study of the role of corporate boards in sustainability.

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Effectiveness of Management Approaches

Ed Lawler and John Boudreau discuss the effectiveness of five different approaches to management: bureaucratic, low-cost operator, high involvement, global competitor and sustainable.

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Evolution of a Decision Science for HR Management

In this webinar, John Boudreau described emerging findings from the data in his new book with Edward Lawler, Effective Human Resource Management: A Global Analysis.

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Exploring the Interface of Organization Design & Work System Design – Creating Sustainably Effective Organizations, 7/17/2012

Sue Mohrman and Chris Worley examine the relationship and the full system of capabilities required to create a sustainably effective organization. Both work system design and organization design are needed and must be orchestrated in order to align the resources and activities of the organization with strategy, and to ensure that valued high quality services and products are reliably and affordably delivered to the customer.

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Effective Human Resource Management: A Global Analysis

Ed Lawler and John Boudreau presented the results of CEO’s sixth tri-annual survey of HR in this webinar.

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Business Partnership with Impact: Creating Strategic Change Through Transformative HR

John Boudreau, CEO Research Director and Professor, discussed findings from his forthcoming books, Transformative HR with Ravin Jesuthasan, and Effective HR: A Global Analysis with Ed Lawler.

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A Suggestion for Creating Effective Sustainable Organizations: Get Rid of Job Descriptions

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) and Christopher G. Worley (CEO) argue that despite their widespread uses, job descriptions frequently are more dysfunctional than helpful, even in traditional bureaucratic organizations.

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The Future of HR and Effective Organizations

This article by John Boudreau (CEO) and Ian Ziskin (CEO and Exec Excel) describes the results of an ongoing initiative by CEO to understand the future of HR, and in particular its relationships within effective organizations in dynamic environments.

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Models & Choices for Shared Functions & Services, 4/11/2011

Chris Worley and Sue Mohrman talk about Models and Choices for Shared Functions and Services. They provide models and company examples of how to design shared functions, services and Centers of Excellence.

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Creating Sustainable-Effective Businesses

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) and Christopher G. Worley (CEO) talk about necessary steps and give example of companies making themselves into sustainably effective organizations.

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