Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Our Past, Present, and Future in Teams: The Role of Human Resource Professionals in Managing Team Performance Across Cultures

Cristina B. Gibson and Bradley L. Kirkman discuss how the majority of Fortune 1000 employees have been affected by the widespread proliferation of work teams.

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Understanding Group-Efficacy: An Empirical Test of Multiple Assessment Methods

In this paper by Cristina B. Gibson, Amy E. Randell, and P. Christopher Earley, methods of assessing group-efficacy were examined using a multi-party role play negotiation.

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Beyond Competencies: Using the Ability to Learn from Experience for the Early Identification of International Executives

Morgan W. McCall, Gretchen M. Spreitzer, and Joan D. Mahoney discuss the development of an instrument which measures both traditional competencies for international executive success and the ability to learn from experience.

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Running on Empty: Overworked People in Demanding Work Environments

Julia Welch, Rachel Ebert, and Gretchen Spreitzer discuss how in contemporary organizations, overwork is often viewed as a key problem inherent in today’s demanding working environment.

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Competency Pay for Professionals and Managers in Business: A Review and Implications for Teachers

This paper by G. Ledford and R. Heneman examines the relevance to teachers of business sector experiences with systems that identify and reward the skills, knowledge, and competencies of professionals and managers.

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CEO Performance Appraisal

J. Conger, D. Finegold, and E. Lawler III explain that supervisors appraise their subordinates at virtually all levels in most organizations. But, who appraises the CEO?

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Managing Performance for Organizational Change and Learning

This paper by A. Mohrman, Jr. and S. Mohrman asserts the centrality of performance management in managing the business, defining the individuals’ relationship with the organization, and functioning as a feedback and control mechanism.

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Productivity, Machinery, and Skills in the United States and Western Europe: Food Processing

Geoff Mason and David Finegold state that as the much-discussed US ‘productivity slowdown’ during the 1970’s recedes into the distance, several recent studies have shown that average labor productivity levels in US manufacturing and in the economy as a whole remain the highest in the world.

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Strategic Orientations, Incentive Plan Adoptions and Firm Performance: Evidence from Electric Utility Firms

Nadini Rajagopalan addresses the topic of executive compensation, one that has fascinated both academic researchers and the business press for the past several decades.

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Developing Effective Self-Managing Work Teams in Service Organizations

This paper by S. Cohen, G. Spreitzer, and G. Ledford, Jr. draws upon the authors’ research on the use of self-managed work teams (SMWTs) in two service organizations: a telecommunications company and an insurance operation.

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