Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Interpersonal Relations as a Context for Improving the Effect of Performance Appraisal Interviews on Employee Performance and Satisfaction: A Longitudinal Study

A field study was conducted by Barry R. Nathan, Allan M. Mohrman, Jr., and John Milliman to determine the effect of supervisor-subordinate interpersonal relations and the content and conduct of the appraisal review on reactions to the performance appraisal review, and job satisfaction and job performance after the review.

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Top Management Team Tenure and Organizational Outcomes: The Moderating Role of Managerial Discretion

Drawing on an upper echelons framework, and modeling managerial discretion as a moderating variable, this study by Sydney Finkelstein and Donald Hambrick examined the relationship between-managerial tenure and such organizational outcomes as strategic persistence, strategic conformity and performance conformity.

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Deming Versus Performance Appraisal: Is There a Resolution?

In this article by Allan M. Mohrman, Jr., “performance management” is described and put forth as an evolution of performance appraisal that is consistent with much of Deming’s philosophy and therefore diffuses his complaints about appraisals.

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Alternative Pay Systems, Firm Performance and Productivity

D. Mitchell, D. Lewin and Edward E. Lawler III explain that the 1970s and 1980s are perceived, with hindsight, as periods of economic change and adjustment. Given that environment, a willingness to experiment in human resource (HR) practices developed, including practices relating to compensation systems.

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Designing Performance Appraisal Systems

Designing Performance Appraisal Systems

Allan M. Mohrman, Susan M. Resnick-West and Edward E. Lawler III. (Jossey-Bass, 1989)
Designing performance appraisal systems is no longer the back room task for experts that it used to be. For appraisal systems to be central to the management of the business and useful to employees, it is critical that the entire organization be involved in their design.

Beyond the Clash: Managing High Tech Professionals

Susan Resnick-West and Mary Ann Von Glinow recall how on January 28, 1986 millions watched as the Spaceship Challenger blew up only seconds after take off. Some say the incident was avoidable. Hours before the tragedy, Thiokol project engineers pleaded with authorities to delay the launch.

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Executive Behavior in High Involvement Organizations

This paper by Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) is not about leadership per se, however, it is about how senior managers in organizations should structure and carry out their jobs in order to be consistent with a high involvement approach to management.

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The High Involvement Manager: Going it Alone

Edward E. Lawler III and Susan A. Mohrman argue that the literature on participation and employee involvement often places the supervisor in the role of the villain.

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High Technology Performance Management

A. Mohrman, Jr., Susan A. Mohrman, and Christopher G. Worley explain that high technology work is complex and dynamic, requires innovation, and is highly interdependent.

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Designing Performance Appraisal and Reward Systems for Procurement Professionals in the Telecommunications Industry

Mary Ann Von Glinow, Nirmal Sethia, and Steven Kerr argue that the telecommunications industry is in the throes of revolutionary changes. The new business environment has critically transformed the role and greatly enlarged the responsibilities of the procurement function in the industry.

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Performance Appraisal Driven Pay

Edward E. Lawler III argues that the act of judging is a relatively simple one and one that occurs regularly throughout all human endeavors. The situation is substantially more complex in formal organizations than it is in most situations where performance judgments are reached.

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Managerial Values in the People’s Republic of China and Hong Kong

This paper by Philip H. Birnbaum and Gilbert Y. Y. Wong reports on a study of the managerial values in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and Hong Kong.

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