Alec Levenson (CEO) and Alexis Fink (Intel) explain how employee engagement and performance are supposed to be closely related, and there is both empirical and conceptual support for a strong relationship.
Research and Insights Archive
Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations
Available Content
How to Measure, Reward, and Foster a Culture of Innovation
In this webinar, Dr. Soren Kaplan, one of the world’s leading experts in disruptive innovation and innovation culture, reveals how the most innovative organizations carefully consider both what goes into the innovation process and what should come out of it.
Analytics for Driving High Performance
In this webinar, Alec Levenson and Alexis Fink discuss some of the current challenges in the way that analytics are applied to HR and talent issues. The problem we face in organizations today is not a lack of analysis but oftentimes the opposite: too much analysis and data are thrown against the wall in the hopes that something will stick and make sense.
Human Resource Consulting
The field of human resources (HR) consulting is large, extremely diverse, and highly dynamic. This introductory update to the 2005 chapter by Gerald E. Ledford (CEO), Edward Lawler III (CEO), Susan A. Mohrman (CEO) provides an updated view of the HR consulting marketplace and the types of individuals and consulting firms that occupy it, as well as the organizational actors who purchase and consume HR consulting services.
Performance Feedback Culture: The Key to Performance Management Effectiveness?
Gerry Ledford, George Benson, and Ben Schneider
February 7, 2017 9:00am – 10:00am (PT)
Building Human Capital Advantage in Initial Public Offerings (IPOs): The Effect on Long-Term Firm Survival and Performance
Using survey data collected from the firms’ leadership teams in the beginning of the year following their IPO, Theresa M. Welbourne (CEO) and Kyle Gibson (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) test the effects of their approaches to human capital on long-term (10-year) firm survival and performance.
Why High Performance Work Design Trumps Employee Engagement
In this article Alec Levenson (CEO) takes an in-depth look at high performance, how it’s related to and different from engagement, and what leaders have to do to develop and sustain high performance.
Alec Levenson talks with Talent10x on creating a high-performance culture
In the latest episode of Talent10x, Managing Editor Frank Kalman talks with Alec Levenson, a senior research scientist at the Center for Effective Organizations at the University of Southern California, on the value of high-performance work design and why CEOs need to pay more attention to the value of team, not individual, performance.
New CEO-WorldatWork Monograph on Cutting-Edge Performance Management
This monograph by Ledford, G., Benson, G., and Lawler, E. provides a comprehensive report of findings from a large-scale study of cutting-edge performance management practices. It covers several topics not discussed in other papers, such as detail on types of organizations that adopt cutting edge practices and change management issues in implementing these practices.
Finding the Talent Pivot-Points that are Strategic to Performance Management
This webinar with John Boudreau will show how the tools and frameworks of “Strategic Partnership with Impact” offer insights to these vitally important strategic questions.
Shouldn’t You Be Working Right Now?
John Boudreau (CEO) share how most HR and management systems presume that maximizing meritocracy and differentiation between performance levels is always a good thing. Leaders would do well to question that assumption, and to become as savvy about performance differentiation as they are about differentiation when it comes to customers, financial investments and operations.
Cutting-Edge Performance Management: A Study of 244 Companies
This webinar with Gerry Ledford and Ed Lawler reports the results of a major new CEO study of 244 companies that are using three cutting-edge performance management practices: ratingless reviews, ongoing performance feedback, and crowd-sourced feedback.