Stewardship entails a profound understanding and acceptance of the organization’s interdependence with the societal and ecological contexts in which it operates and becoming a force for building a viable future. Susan Albers Mohrman, James O’Toole, Edward E. Lawler, III show why the forward-looking practices of these corporations are important first steps, but insufficient departures from business as usual to keep pace with the growing problems facing the world.
Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations
Available Content
Global Trends in Human Resource Management: A Twenty-Year Analysis
Global Trends in Human Resource Management, the seventh report from CEO, provides the newest findings about what makes HR successful and how it can add value to organizations today. Edward E. Lawler III and John W. Boudreau conclude that HR is most powerful when it plays a strategic role, makes use of information technology, has tangible metrics and analytics, and integrates talent and business strategies.
The Agility Factor: Building Adaptable Organizations for Superior Performance
In The Agility Factor: Building Adaptable Organizations for Superior Performance, the authors (Christopher G. Worley, Thomas D. Williams, and Edward E. Lawler III) reveal the factors that drive long-term profitability based on the practices of successful companies that have consistently outperformed their peers.
Reconfiguring the Eco-System for Sustainable Healthcare (Organizing for Sustainable Effectiveness)
Reconfiguring the Eco-System for Sustainable Healthcare (Organizing for Sustainable Effectiveness) by Susan Albers Mohrman (Author, Editor), Abraham B. Shani (Editor) presents case studies and theoretical analyses that illustrate practical approaches to, and further the theoretical understanding of, the creation of a more sustainable healthcare.
Employee Surveys That Work: Improving Design, Use, and Organizational Impact
Poorly designed employee surveys frustrate participants, analysts, and executives and can end up doing more harm than good. Alec Levenson offers sensible, practical ways to make them more useful and accurate and counters a number of unhelpful but common practices.
Assessing Organization Agility: Creating Diagnostic Profiles to Guide Transformation
This “short format” publication by Christopher G. Worley, Thomas D. Williams, and Edward E. Lawler III is a “tools” product that describes how to assess an organization’s level of agility. The book features two forms of assessment.
Emerging Approaches to Organisation Design
This case-based research report (Mohrman, S. and Pilllans, G. (Corporate Research Forum, 2013) focuses on trends in organization design and organization design solutions that are becoming increasingly common to help manage complexity and promote learning and innovation. The report chronicles some of the major organization design challenges faced by global corporations today.
Building Networks and Partnerships for Sustainability
Christopher G. Worley, Philip H. Mirvis, Susan Albers Mohrman, and Abraham B. (Rami) Shani, Editors (Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2013) The volume explores how collaboration, partnership, and networks are being developed to support the achievement of economic, social, and environmental sustainability.
It’s a Great Time to be a Physician: Building a Healthcare System that Works
Weisz, J., Mohrman, S. A., and McCracken, A. (Second River Healthcare Press, 2012) A first-hand account of the changes being demanded of the U.S. healthcare system, this book is written by Dr. Jeffrey Weisz for his fellow physicians.
Short Introduction to Strategic Human Resource Management
Reflecting an increasing uncertainty in global business, Cascio and Boudreau consider ways of dealing with risk in managing human capital. Numerous examples in every chapter illustrate key points with real business cases from around the world.
Organizing for Sustainable Health Care
Susan Albers Mohrman & A.B. (Rami) Shani explain that Health care, as it is currently organized, is not sustainable. Health care systems in the developed world are encountering increased demand for high quality health care but facing societal resource limits.
Effective Human Resource Management: A Global Analysis
Ed Lawler and John Boudreau measure how HR management is changing, paying particular attention to what creates a successful HR function–one that contributes to a strategic partnership and overall organizational effectiveness.