
Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Come on HR – Prove Me Wrong!

Come on HR – Prove Me Wrong!

I love HR and have always had a passion for the whole area since I fell into Personnel by mistake many years ago. Some 30 years later, working both in and around the HR function, the demands and expectations being made of HR continue to rise, and rightly so!

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Your Operating Model Needs a Brand Strategy

Your Operating Model Needs a Brand Strategy

A winning brand strategy is essential for a successful business strategy. Done right, the brand strategy clearly articulates the customer value proposition – why our customers pick us over the competition. Leaders know this and strive for the clarity of purpose a winning brand strategy provides. A simple and compelling brand strategy can focus everyone’s attention on a very small number of strategic priorities that define strategic success, providing a “true north” to focus on.

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The Future HR: Five Essential but Overlooked Questions

The Future HR: Five Essential but Overlooked Questions

The future of HR is inextricably entwined with the future of work, leadership, society and organizations. It has long been insufficient to consider the future of HR strictly from the perspective of changes in the HR function, its organization, its operating model and its technology. Such questions are important, but HR leaders and their constituents (non-HR leaders, investors, workers, policy-makers and others) must consider the future of HR through more fundamental questions about the future of work.

How impactful is your ERG? Here are 5 important themes most leaders are thinking about

How impactful is your ERG? Here are 5 important themes most leaders are thinking about

Research led by Dr. Theresa Welbourne, Steven Schlachter, and Skylar Rolf focused on the leaders of ERGs and identified 5 key themes of interest on the dynamics of these groups. Using semi-structured interview techniques with ten ERG leaders in three different organizations, Welbourne, Schlachter, and Rolf sought to shed light on ERGs from a leader’s perspective.

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Trust me I’m your leader?

Trust me I’m your leader?

Darryl Stickel, The Trust Coach, “Trust me, I’m your leader?”
One of the primary differentiating factors between good and great leaders is the ability to understand and build trust.

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It’s Rating Season. Time to Play “The Game”

It’s Rating Season. Time to Play “The Game”

Alan Colquitt, Ph.D.
It’s that time of year again, time for the most important part of performance management. It’s rating season. The time for playing nice is over—for optimistic plans, feedback, coaching, and development.

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The Business Case for Employee Engagement That All CEOs Must Read

The Business Case for Employee Engagement That All CEOs Must Read

Benjamin Schneider, Ph.D. discusses workforce engagement: What it is, what drives it, and why it matters for organizational performance.

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Remove the Shackles from Performance Management so it can Serve your Business

Remove the Shackles from Performance Management so it can Serve your Business

According to recent Gallup statistics, 95% percent of managers are dissatisfied with their Performance Management systems and only 14% of employees feel PM helps them improve.

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Size Doesn’t Matter. Some Comments on the United Airline Bonus Lottery

Size Doesn’t Matter. Some Comments on the United Airline Bonus Lottery

Alan Colquitt, Ph.D. comments about United Airline’s move to replace their bonus system with a lottery.

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“Will this be on the Test?” What are we doing to our Students and Employees?

“Will this be on the Test?” What are we doing to our Students and Employees?

Alan Colquitt, Ph.D. explains that research shows people overestimate how much other people care about extrinsic features of a job, such as pay, and underestimate how much people are motivated by intrinsic job features (e.g., challenge, purpose).

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HR Analysts: Unleash Your Inner Storyteller

HR Analysts: Unleash Your Inner Storyteller

John Boudreau shares how telling a story is well-recognized as essential to HR analytics and acknowledges that “insight” is at the top of the data analytics pyramid after data becomes information. HR analytics systems even offer pre-programmed storylines with deeper analysis.

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