Ian Ziskin will lead a conversation about the evolution of HR leadership and the future of the function, including capabilities required for success, what you need to know, with whom you need to interact, and when you are most likely to experience development.
Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations
Available Content
Transform the Way You Use Data: Tell Stories and Drive Action that Leads to Positive Results
In a one hour webinar with Dr. Theresa M. Welbourne, learn how like-minded business leaders are working to transform how they use data to tell stories and drive action that leads to positive results.
Weaving Change Capability into the Fabric of the Organization
Organizations are in the midst of fundamental shifts in how they are managed and designed. They are being forced to compete in an environment full of moving pieces, activist stakeholders, and volatile marketplaces. Chris Worley, Sue Mohrman, and special guest Becky Spears (Oracle) discuss these issues.
Cutting-Edge Performance Management: A Study of 244 Companies
This webinar with Gerry Ledford and Ed Lawler reports the results of a major new CEO study of 244 companies that are using three cutting-edge performance management practices: ratingless reviews, ongoing performance feedback, and crowd-sourced feedback.
Analytics for Driving High Performance
In this webinar, Alec Levenson will address how to conduct analytics to ensure you have the right elements in place for high performance – and where there are gaps that have to be filled. Drawing from his new book, Strategic Analytics, he will present a framework and step-by-step process for diagnosing the barriers to high performance.
How HR Supports Organization Agility, 2/29/2016
In this webinar, Chris Worley and Sue Mohrman, Senior Research Scientists and Directors of CEO’s Organization Design Program, describe the foundations of agility – how the full systems design using the Star Model compliments today’s VUCA world.
HR’s Role in Corporate Stewardship, 2/08/16
What is required for corporations to become stewards of the future and how can HR contribute? This webinar with Sue Mohrman and Ed Lawler presents the best thinking and knowledge from scholars who have been at the forefront of studying and working with leading edge corporations and other stakeholders.
Strategic Analytics, 12/1/15
This webinar aligns with Alec Levenson’s new book, Strategic Analytics: Advancing Strategy Execution and Organizational Effectiveness.
Finding the Strategic Talent Pivot-Points, 9/1/15
In this webinar, John Boudreau (Research Director, CEO), discusses how job descriptions usually describe work performed by full-time employees, throwing together a series of skills and requirements that seem large enough for an employment contract.
Evolution of HR Leadership, 8/11/15
Ian Ziskin led a conversation about the evolution of leadership and of HR.
The Future of HR, 7/21/15
John Boudreau (CEO), Ian Ziskin (CEO), and Ravin Jesuthasan (Towers Watson) shared their latest research, examples from companies, and next steps on the Future of HR. They reviewed cases and examples of what companies and CHRO’s are doing today to meet the changing demands of business.
Data-Driven Storytelling, 5/7/15
Theresa Welbourne discusses how Data-Driven Storytellers help leaders use HR data to have highly interactive dialogues that lead to decisive action that fuels high-impact and measurable business results.