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Why Your Work Automation “Climate” Matters As Much As Upskilling

This article originally appeared on New research on workplace climate offers important insights for measuring, facilitating and enhancing successful work automation. John Boudreau and Benjamin Schneider share why workforce automation readiness requires more than just enhanced worker capabilities. When it comes to preparing for future work automation, the dominant focus is on upskilling worker capability, […]

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Exponential Talent: A Systems Approach to HR Analytics Podcast

​In this podcast, CEO’s Alec Levenson discusses why organizations struggle to derive value from their HR analytics efforts and offers useful suggestions for improvement. He offers ideas that are non-intuitive but have demonstrated results. For example, start with the right questions and the data you have, do not fall into the trap of doing fancy analytics when sometimes simple descriptives are all you need and having analytics-driven insights does not guarantee accurate interpretation. Anyone struggling to get the buy-in for investing in analytics efforts or looking to tighten the link between data-based insights and HR decision making will find value in this podcast.

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A Conversation with the Lusk Center for Real Estate: A Long Time Until the New Economic Normal

A Long Time Until the New Economic Normal
with CEO’s Alec Levenson, Hosted by Richard K. Green, Director of the Lusk Center for Real Estate

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