Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

The Search for Flexibility: Skills and Workplace Innovation in the German Pump Industry

David Finegold and Karin Wagner find that the existence of a highly skilled workforce may deter the adoption of multifunctional work teams, but that countervailing strengths of the German skill-creation system can potentially help firms develop a new, distinctive German production model.

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Running on Empty: Overworked People in Demanding Work Environments

Julia Welch, Rachel Ebert, and Gretchen Spreitzer discuss how in contemporary organizations, overwork is often viewed as a key problem inherent in today’s demanding working environment.

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Learning and Knowledge Management in Team-Based New Product Development Organizations

S. Mohrman, R. Tenkasi, and A. Mohrman, Jr. discuss how configuring organizations into cross-functional new product development teams introduces new knowledge management and learning challenges.

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Creating Effective Pay Systems for Teams

Ed Lawler III affirms that rewards are an important element in any formal organization. In order to be effective, organizations must answer the fundamental question of why individuals should commit their time, effort, and ideas to it.

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Control of International Joint Ventures

Tom L.C.M. Groot and Kenneth A. Merchant explain that as markets have become more globalized and competitive, it has become increasingly difficult for any single company to excel, and thus be competitive, in all aspects of a given business.

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Competency Pay for Professionals and Managers in Business: A Review and Implications for Teachers

This paper by G. Ledford and R. Heneman examines the relevance to teachers of business sector experiences with systems that identify and reward the skills, knowledge, and competencies of professionals and managers.

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CEO Performance Appraisal

J. Conger, D. Finegold, and E. Lawler III explain that supervisors appraise their subordinates at virtually all levels in most organizations. But, who appraises the CEO?

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The Front-Back Hybrid Organization

Jay Galbraith explains that a number of companies have been adopting a hybrid structure in order to respond to the simultaneous demands to be local and customer responsive and yet be global and capture scale economics.

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Voices from the Field Trends in Executive Education and Development

Jay Conger and Katherine R. Xin explain that in the smaller, faster world of the 21st century, business executives must know how to lead change within their organizations.

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