Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Human Resource Management: Meeting the New Challenges

The challenges which face the human resources function are reviewed by Edward E. Lawler III. It is argued that human resources departments need to improve their information systems, provide expert resources help, set and implement strategy, and manage the organization’s culture.

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Compiled Opinion Editorials

A compiled set of opinion editorials by Edward E. Lawler III and Warren Bennis is presented.

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Gainsharing: Congruence with High Involvement Organization Design

Allan M. Mohrman, Jr., Gerald E. Ledford, Jr., and Sheree Demming state that gainsharing is thought to be especially congruent with high involvement organization designs, but little prior research exists concerning the effectiveness of gainsharing, the effectiveness of high involvement designs, or the congruence of the two.

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Impediments to the Sino-U.S. Joint Venture Process

Mary Ann Von Glinow and Mary B. Teagarden state that joint ventures between the United States and China have increased dramatically since normalization of relationships resulting in China’s Open Door Policy.

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Pay for Performance: A Strategic Analysis

Edward E. Lawler III argues that the idea of paying for performance is so widely accepted that almost every organization says that it does it.

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Services Marketing and Management: Implications for Organizational Behavior

David E. Bowen and Benjamin Schneider argue that the marketing of services and the management of service organizations have been understudied relative to the marketing of goods and the management of organizations that produce goods.

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Where is Human Resources Management Going? Six Models in Search of a Future

Michael Driver, Robert Coffey, and David E. Bowen state that there seems to be a growing consensus that HRM is at a crucial crossroads in its role within corporations in the United States.

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Managing Cultural Differences in Mergers and Acquisitions: The Role of the Human Resource Function

C. Siehl, G. Ledford, Jr., R. Silverman, and P. Fay explain that no comprehensive data exist about the percentage of mergers and acquisitions that end in failure, but nearly all observers agree that the percentage is disturbingly high.

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Transformations from Control to Involvement

Edward E. Lawler III identifies conditions which causes organizations to change their management approach from a control oriented to an involvement orientated one.

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A Case of Union Management Cooperation: A Contextual Presentation

This paper by Susan A. Mohrman presents a framework for conceptualizing the dynamics of union-management cooperative efforts.

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Choosing an Involvement Strategy

Three different approaches to employee involvement are defined and reviewed by Edward E. Lawler.

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Paying for Organizational Performance

The advantages and disadvantages of basing bonus payments on organizational performance are considered by Edward E. Lawler III.

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