Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Training Without Jobs: Access to and Outcomes of Training for Temporary Workers

Alec R. Levenson (CEO), David Finegold (Keck Graduate Institute), and Mark Van Buren (Learning & Development Roundtable) ask the question, “Does temporary work provide a way for individuals to improve their skill levels?”

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What Coaching Can Do For Your Organization — and What It Can’t

Alec R. Levenson (CEO), Mike McDermott (Capital One), and Suzanne Clarke (Capital One Financial Services) state that interest in executive coaching is clearly on the rise, and many organizations have made coaching an integral part of their leadership development programs.

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Measuring the Impact of a Managerial Competency System: Does Identifying and Rewarding Potential Leaders Improve Organizational Performance?

Alec R. Levenson (CEO), Wim A. Van Der Stede (USC), and Susan Cohen (CEO) discuss how the use of competency systems to evaluate, reward, and promote managers has become commonplace in large organizations in recent years.

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HR Metrics and Analytics – Uses and Impacts

In this article by Edward E. Lawler III (CEO), Alec R. Levenson (CEO), and John W. Boudreau (CEO), whether and how the HR function in corporations uses metrics and analytics is studied.

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Leveraging Adversity for Strategic Advantage

A. Levenson shares how in 2000-01 companies were hit hard by a number of economic shocks, including industry-specific cycles, the stock market collapse, and national recession.

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Meeting the Performance Challenge: Calculating ROI for Virtual Teams

A. Levenson and S. Cohen explain that virtual teams are all the rage these days. The reasons for their prevalence are well known. But when does it make sense to operate virtually versus face-to-face (FTF)?

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A Temporary Route to Advancement? The Career Opportunities for Low-Skilled Workers in Temporary Employment

D. Finegold, A. Levenson, and M. Van Buren explain that the rapid growth of the temporary staffing industry in the 1990s poses a paradox to researchers interested in the labor market for low-skilled workers.

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ROI and Strategy for Teams and Collaborative Work Systems

Alec Levenson share that return on investment (ROI) has long been used to evaluate capital spending projects. The underlying principle is straightforward and compelling: use a uniform financial metric for projects and outcomes that otherwise would be difficult to compare.

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Investing in Workers’ Basic Skills: Lessons from Company-Funded Workplace-Based Programs

This monograph by Alec Levenson is written for those interested in promoting company-funded workplace basic skills programs.

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The Employment Outcomes and Advancement of Temporary Workers

Alec Levenson and David Finegold discuss how most research on temporary jobs focuses either on companies’ motivations for using temps or point-in-time comparisons of temp and non-temp jobs. Both types of approach seek to shed insights into the opportunities available to those who work as temps.

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The Economic Approach to Personnel Research

M. Gibbs and A. Levenson explain that the economic approach to personnel and organizations has grown greatly in scope and importance over the last decade or two.

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