Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Doing Research That is Useful for Theory and Practice

Doing Research That is Useful for Theory and Practice

Edward E. Lawler III, Allan M. Mohrman, Susan A. Mohrman, Gerald E. Ledford, Jr. and Thomas G. Cummings, (Jossey-Bass, 1999)
Dealing with issues that cut across all social and behavioral sciences, Doing Research That Is Useful for Theory and Practice is full of practical advice on conducting successful research.

Pay Strategy – New Thinking for the New Millennium

Ed Lawler argues that it is time for new thinking, new practices and more strategic direction in the pay systems of organizations.

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Pay System Change: Lag, Lead, or Both?

Edward Lawler explains that changes in an organization’s pay system are usually high visibility, high impact and difficult to execute. As a result they are often considered “hot” change levers that potentially can derail as well as support an organizational change effort.

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Rethinking Organization Size

Ed Lawler III argues that before we reach the conclusion that large, complex organizations are obsolete dinosaurs and likely to disappear, we need to look much more closely at the advantages and disadvantages of organization size in today’s business environment.

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The Leader’s Change Handbook

The Leader’s Change Handbook

Jay Conger, Gretchen M. Spreitzer, Edward E. Lawler III (eds.), (Jossey-Bass, 1999)
Full of fascinating case studies, action strategies, and unbeatable advice, The Leader’s Change Handbook contains the best new thinking from each of its distinguished contributors on the twin challenges leaders face as they try to create leaner, more responsive organizations while empowering their workforces.

Who Needs MBA’s in H.R.? USC’s Strategic H.R. Management MBA Concentration

P. Adler and E. Lawler III discuss how article after article on the future of U.S. corporations stresses the importance of HR skills for line managers and “business partner” skills for HR managers. Despite this very few MBA programs offer concentrations in HRM.

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Creating Effective Pay Systems for Teams

Ed Lawler III affirms that rewards are an important element in any formal organization. In order to be effective, organizations must answer the fundamental question of why individuals should commit their time, effort, and ideas to it.

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CEO Performance Appraisal

J. Conger, D. Finegold, and E. Lawler III explain that supervisors appraise their subordinates at virtually all levels in most organizations. But, who appraises the CEO?

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Board Effectiveness: Principles and Practices

E. Lawler III, J. Conger, and D. Finegold look at the key activities of the board and then briefly consider what makes groups effective.

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New Approaches to Organizing: Competencies, Capabilities and the Decline of the Bureaucratic Model

E. Lawler III and G. Ledford, Jr. argue that in an era of constant change and demands for ever higher levels of performance, bureaucratic designs appear clumsy and lethargic.

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