Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Leading Change: Do It With Conversation

Susan A. Mohrman (CEO) explains that few corporations are immune to the forces of the global economy and the sweeping technological advances that require large-scale change and adaptability for survival.

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Measuring the Productivity of Software Development in a Globally Distributed Company

Alec R. Levenson (CEO) discusses how the trend toward outsourcing that has been emblazoned in the headlines and covers of newspapers and magazines in recent years started with software development.

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America at Work: Choices and Challenges

America at Work: Choices and Challenges

A companion to the New American Workplace, which is co-published with Society for Human Resource Management and the Center for Effective Organizations, this volume edited by Edward E. Lawler III and James O’Toole (Palgrave-Macmillan, 2006) contains original articles on workplace issues in America today.

Collaboration and the Producers of Management Knowledge

Andreas Werr (Stockholm School of Economics) and Larry Greiner (USC) explains that the world of managers is increasingly knowledge intensive. Competition is growing, large organizations are becoming more global and complex, resulting in a proliferation of new management models and tools, making it difficult for managers to keep up with the latest developments (Huczynski, 1993).

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Designing Organizations that are Built to Change

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) and Christopher G. Worley (CEO) share that as the pace of globalization and social change quickens, executives are correctly calling for greater agility, flexibility and innovation from their companies.

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The New American Workplace

The New American Workplace

James O’Toole and Edward E. Lawler III, (Palgrave-Macmillan, 2006) Thirty years ago, the bestselling “letter to the government” Work in America published to national acclaim, including front-page coverage in The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post.

Designing Organizations as if Change Matters

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) and Christopher G. Worley (CEO) share that more and more executives and management theorists are calling for agility, flexibility, and innovation in the performance of organizations.

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Reward Systems, Motivation and Organizational Change

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) and Christopher G. Worley (CEO) argue that organizational excellence is about change. We would not have said this in the 1970s, 1980s, or perhaps even in the 1990s. Today it almost goes without saying.

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HR Support for Corporate Boards

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) and John W. Boudreau (CEO) share how corporate boards in the United States are changing as a result of new regulations and performance demands

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The Development of New Organizational Capabilities

Susan A. Mohrman (CEO), Peter Docherty (Chalmers University of Technology), Abraham B. Shani (Cal Polytechnic State University), Andrew J. Schenkel (Stockholm School of Economics), and Robin Teigland (Stockholm School of Economics) generate a model and present propositions about new capability development that integrate perspectives from the strategy, learning, and social capital and network literatures.

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Corporate Governance and Job Creation: Changes in U.S. Boardrooms After Sarbanes Oxley

This chapter by David Finegold (Keck Graduate Institute) and Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) provides an overview of how the Boards of U.S. public corporations operate today and are changing in light of new legislation, regulations, and guidelines.

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