Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

How Corporate Boards are Changing

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) and David Finegold (Keck Graduate Institute) state that over the past four years, corporate boards in the U.S. have been under increasing pressure. Stimulated by high-profile scandals, investor dissatisfaction with board performance and questions about the level of executive compensation, regulators have introduced significant reforms in the rules governing boards.

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Are Independent Directors the Answer?

A recent survey Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) and David Finegold (Keck Graduate Institute) conducted with Mercer Delta of directors in Fortune 1000 companies found that board members themselves feel that of all the proposed board reforms, having boards and audit committees made up of independent directors are by far the most likely to have a positive impact on boards.

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Developing Complex Collaborations: Basic Principles to Guide Design and Implementation

Susan Cohen (CEO), Don Mankin (Co:e-laboration Design Associates), and Stephen P. Fitzgerald (Alliant International University) While a group of laborers building the pyramids of Egypt might seem to bear little resemblance to a team of machine operators working in a plant, they actually have much in common.

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Integrated Speed and Flexibility: Delivering Customer Solutions

Jay R. Galbraith states that a challenge for organization designers is to create an organization that can act with speed, flexibility and integration. Up until now, designers could create organizations that are characterized by any two of those features but not all three.

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Designing and Forming Global Teams

No matter what the reason for the formation of a global team or what form the team takes, leaders and team members must address the complexity of global teamwork by architecting new ways of collaborating. This chapter byJulia C. Gluesing and Cristina B. Gibson is about how managers can create conditions in the pre-start and start-up phases of global teaming that will enhance the chances that a team will succeed.

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Self-Designing a Performance Management System

A. Mohrman, Jr. and S. Mohrman discuss how the systems and practices that organizations use to manage performance are integrally related to the capacity of the organization to accomplish its business objectives and of its employees to accomplish their purposes.

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Virtual Teams that Work: A Framework for Virtual Team Effectiveness

Susan G. Cohen and Cristina B. Gibson share how virtual teams can be either dramatic successes or dismal failures (or anywhere in between). Virtual teams amplify both the benefits and the costs of teamwork.

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Best Practices for Virtual Team Effectiveness

Cristina B. Gibson and Susan G. Cohen discuss best practices for virtual-team leaders, members, and facilitators.

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Organizing to Deliver Solutions

Jay R. Galbraith discusses how many companies today are adopting strategies to package products and services into solutions. However, several well-managed companies are experiencing difficulty in transitioning from stand-alone product offerings to solutions.

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