Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Designing and Forming Global Teams

No matter what the reason for the formation of a global team or what form the team takes, leaders and team members must address the complexity of global teamwork by architecting new ways of collaborating. This chapter byJulia C. Gluesing and Cristina B. Gibson is about how managers can create conditions in the pre-start and start-up phases of global teaming that will enhance the chances that a team will succeed.

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Self-Designing a Performance Management System

A. Mohrman, Jr. and S. Mohrman discuss how the systems and practices that organizations use to manage performance are integrally related to the capacity of the organization to accomplish its business objectives and of its employees to accomplish their purposes.

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Performance Management: What Works?

E. Lawler and M. McDermott argue that establishing an effective performance management system is a major challenge for most organizations. It has been a key topic in the human resources management literature for decades

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Work/Life Balance: Wisdom or Whining

Edy Greenblatt shares how President George W. Bush, a home-based pharmaceutical sales representative, and a Club Med flying trapeze instructor have at least one thing in common. For each, the ability to manage the work/life balance demands on themselves and their key employees’ is a strategic imperative.

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Meeting the Performance Challenge: Calculating ROI for Virtual Teams

A. Levenson and S. Cohen explain that virtual teams are all the rage these days. The reasons for their prevalence are well known. But when does it make sense to operate virtually versus face-to-face (FTF)?

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Seven Challenges to Virtual Team Performance: Lessons from Sabre, Inc.

Bradley L. Kirkman, Benson Rosen, Cristina B. Gibson, Paul E. Tesluk, and Simon O. McPherson share that advances in communications and information technology create new opportunities for organizations to build and manage virtual teams.

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The Effect of Individual Perceptions of Deadlines on Team Performance

The focus of this paper by Mary J. Waller, Jeffrey M. Conte, Cristina B. Gibson, and Mason A. Carpenter concerns perceptions of deadlines among team members, and how these perceptions influence team performance under deadline conditions.

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Getting Rid of the Bottom 10%, Sounds Good But…

Ed Lawler explains that successfully removing poor performers requires, first and foremost, the ability to identify who they are. Only if this can be done effectively does it makes sense to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of actually forcing them out of the organization.

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What Stimulates Teams to Engage in Learning Behavior? The Influence of Composition and Context

This paper by Cristina B. Gibson and Freek Vermeulen examines team learning behavior; a set of actions that teams engage in to improve their outcomes.

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The Economic Approach to Personnel Research

M. Gibbs and A. Levenson explain that the economic approach to personnel and organizations has grown greatly in scope and importance over the last decade or two.

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