It is easier than ever to access and analyze HR and employee data. In this session, Alec Levenson will review a number of common data and survey practices in use today and discuss alternatives that can lead to deeper insights.
Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations
Available Content
Strategic Approaches to Future Trends in HR: Does HR’s Reach Exceed its Grasp?, 9/19/13, Recording/Slides
John Boudreau presented findings from several recent research projects, including the Future of HR Trends Consortium and the “Achieving Excellence in HR” global survey, which suggest that there is a significant association between HR strategic partnership and HR success measures, but that today HR’s ambitions exceed its current role in many areas.
HR Leadership – Create your Personal Leadership Brand, 8/06/13, Recording/Slides
This Webinar focuses on the HR leader’s role as a leader. Ian Ziskin led a conversation about what you need to know, with whom you need to interact, when you are most likely to experience development, and how you want to be thought of by others.
Change Management is Obsolete: Learnings from Research and Practice About What’s Next, 7/30/13, Recording/Slides
There’s little disagreement that we are living in an increasingly VUCA world – volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. The question is what are we doing about it? In this webinar Chris Worley and Sue Mohrman will characterize the world we live in and explore the obsolescence of the design and change models that we use.
Data-Driven Storytelling, 5/13/13
Data-Driven Storytellers help leaders use HR data to have highly interactive dialogues that lead to decisive action that fuels high-impact and measurable business results.
Corporate Boards and Sustainability, 4/25/13, Audio/Slides
What are corporate boards doing to assure that their corporations are sustainably effective? This webinar with Ed Lawler (Director, CEO) and Sue Mohrman (Senior Research Scientist, CEO) was a review of the data from our study of the role of corporate boards in sustainability.
ERG’s and Innovation, 2/26/13, Audio/Slides
Theresa Welbourne and Lacey Leone McLaughlin discussed new learnings from the first Employee Resource Group (ERG) Summit and the research conducted for that program.
Janice Schonwetter (AlignOrganizations): Organizational Design Refresher Webinar, 2/26/2013
Janice presents a case dealing with the redesign of HR in a large, global engineering design and services company. A very systematic example of working through the issues of leveraging services across businesses and across regions and how to organize for that.
Leveraging the Secrets of Memory Champions to Craft Memorable Messages, 2/7/13, Audio/Slides
How many meetings have you attended where you literally forgot most of what you had just heard by the meeting’s end? In this webinar, Jay Conger explored how to make the message behind your presentations endure far beyond the meeting. He covered the techniques developed by memory champions which you can deploy in your own presentations.
So you Want to be Agile? Find a Balance Between “Fat” and “Muscle”, 1/10/2013
In this webinar, Chris Worley and Sue Mohrman will describe their learnings about designing organizations for agility. There are many paradoxes inherent in such designs. Agility requires accepting a certain amount of slack that absorbs the risk of investing in their future while relentlessly driving down costs in present operations; experimenting on the one hand while systematically incorporating what is learned on the other; and developing people to be ready for the future while making them expert in the present. In agile organizations, change is routine.
Using HR Analytics for Modeling and Making Sense of Compensation, 12/12, Audio/Slides
In this webinar Alec Levenson reviewed the principles and uses of models as decision making aids, even when there is not enough time or data for doing statistical analysis.
HR and Sustainability, 11/27/2012
Ed Lawler, Sue Mohrman, and Chris Worley took a first look at data from a new study on sustainable organizations. A just-completed CEO study focused on HR’s role in corporate sustainability activities. It looked at what HR does and what it would like to do in regards to sustainability.