Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Fast HRM and Leadership Confidence: Update and Learning from the Field, 10/19/2010

Theresa Welbourne, Research Professor and Bill Cushard, Chief Learning Officer, Knowland Group spoke on October 19 about Fast HRM and the results of the Summer 2010 Leadership Pulse, as well as new high-level findings from the Fall 2010 Leadership Pulse).

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Organization Studies as Applied Science: The Generation and Use of Academic Knowledge about Organizations (Introduction to the Special Issue)

In this introduction to the special issue, Paula Jarzabkowski (Aston), Susan Albers Mohrman (CEO), and Andreas Georg Scherer (University of Zurich) apply philosophical, theoretical, and empirical perspectives to examine the challenges of studying the generation and use of academic knowledge.

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Emotions, Values, and Methodology: Contributing to the Nature of the World We Live In Whether We Intend To or Not

Susan Albers Mohrman (CEO) explains that traditional management research has advocated arms‐length, systematic studies that treat organizations and the people in them as subjects.

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Building a Collaboration Capability for Sustainability: How Gap Inc. is Creating and Leveraging a Strategic Asset

Christopher G. Worley (CEO), Ann E. Feyerherm (Pepperdine University), and Darryl Knudsen (Gap Inc.) share how organizations are being challenged to find socially acceptable and ecologically proactive solutions while fulfilling economic expectations.

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The Organizational Sustainability Journey: Introduction to the Special Issue

Susan A. Mohrman (CEO) and Christopher G. Worley (CEO) share how sustainability has become a prominent topic in the popular press, corporate boardrooms, political arenas, and academia. Conversations and debates about what it is, why it is important, what should be done about it, and how quickly we should act are pervasive.

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Impact of Recession: What Has Happened to HR?

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO), Jay Jamrog (i4cp, Inc.), and John Boudreau (CEO) ask the question “What has been the effect of the recession on HR?” There is a lot of speculation about how it has affected the function, but little data exist on what has happened. Let’s look at two scenarios about might have happened and then look at some data that show which one seems to have occurred most frequently.

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What is the Best Way to Design Your Employees’ Jobs?

Different jobs and businesses require professionals with different skills. Michael Gibbs, Clinical Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, and Alec Levenson, Research Scientist at the USC, explain the advantages and disadvantages of two opposite, yet complementary, approaches used to design employee jobs.

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Want to Make Money on the New Initial Public Offerings? Learn about their Human Resource Management Strategies. This article by Theresa M. Welbourne (CEO) reports critical information for firms planning to go public and those going through high rates of change.

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Raising Skill Demand: Generating Good Jobs

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) and George S. Benson (University of Texas) discuss how there have been profound changes in the global economy and corporate landscape over the last 40 years but advocates of “high road” management approaches that emphasize highly skilled and involved employees continue for several reasons.

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John Boudreau will discuss his newly published book, Retooling HR: Using Proven Business Tools to Make Better Decisions About Talent, 6/21/2010

Webinar: John Boudreau will discuss his newly published book, Retooling HR: Using Proven Business Tools to Make Better Decisions About Talent, 6/21/2010

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Rethinking Retention Strategies: Work-Life Versus Deferred Compensation in a Total Rewards Strategy

This paper by Alec R. Levenson (CEO), Michael J. Fenlon (PwC), and George Benson (University of Texas) explains a rethinking of the meaning of total rewards that led to changes that produced lasting reductions in turnover and direct bottom-line benefits.

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The Multi-Dimensional and Reconfigurable Organization

In this paper Jay R. Galbraith argues that multi-dimensional organizations like Procter & Gamble’s Four Pillars structure are a new form of organization.

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