Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Corporate Board Attributes, Team Effectiveness and Financial Performance

G. Tyge Payne (Texas Tech University), George S. Benson (University of Texas), and David L. Finegold (Rutgers University) discuss how researchers have recently begun to integrate the literature on corporate boards with that of team effectiveness in an effort to understand how boards function and impact company performance.

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Pay at the Top: When does HR Make a Difference?

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) and John W. Boudreau (CEO) discuss how executive compensation, board compensation, and management succession are among the most important issues confronting corporate boards. Decisions in these areas should be informed by valid information and expert knowledge.

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Human Capital Management: What are Boards Doing?

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) states that one of, if not the most important asset of today’s corporations is their human capital. CEO’s and board chairs recognize this and frequently make statements that say people are our companies’ most important asset.

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Make Human Capital a Source of Competitive Advantage

This article by Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) looks at four areas where human capital should have a major impact on design: corporate boards, leadership, the human resource department, and information practices.

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Extreme Strategizing

Theresa Welbourne discusses how this month (September, 2008) business leaders, government officials, students, and many workers at every level in the organization were shocked by the massive losses in the financial industry being documented in the press.

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Relational Capital: Strategic Advantage for Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) Negotiation and Collaboration

Theresa M. Welbourne (CEO) and Manuela Pardo del Val (Universitat de València) explain that collaborative entrepreneurship research suggests that organizations will soon pursue more collaborative relationships throughout a worldwide network of firms, driving a strategy of continuous innovation, specially small-and medium-size firms (SMEs).

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Leadership Confidence: What Goes Down…Keeps Going Down

Theresa M. Welbourne (CEO) states that the problem we find is that when leader confidence erodes, then employee confidence declines.

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Sharing Leadership on Corporate Boards: A Critical Requirement for Teamwork at the Top

Jay A. Conger (CEO) and Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) argue that critical to the success of a high performance board is the ability of its directors to share leadership and to work as a dynamic team.

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Management Consultants as Professionals, or are They?

Larry Greiner (USC) and Ilse Ennsfellner (Ennsfellner Consulting) share their concern and critical conclusion about the questionable knowledge and skills of today’s consultants.

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Building a Change Capability at Capital One Financial

This article by Christopher G. Worley (CEO) and Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) describes the development of an enterprise-wide change capability at Capital One Financial.

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Employment Horizon and the Choice of Performance Measures: Empirical Evidence from Annual Bonus Plans of Loss-Making Entities

Michal Matějka (University of Michigan), Kenneth A. Merchant (USC), and Wim A. Van Der Stede (School of Economics and Political Science) examine the extent to which employment horizon concerns affect the relative emphasis on financial versus nonfinancial performance measures in annual bonus plans.

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Building a Change Capability at Capital One Financial: Separating Rhetoric and Reality

This article by Christopher G. Worley (CEO) and Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) describes the development of an enterprise-wide change capability at Capital One Financial.

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