Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Corporate Boards and Sustainability, 4/25/13, Audio/Slides

What are corporate boards doing to assure that their corporations are sustainably effective? This webinar with Ed Lawler (Director, CEO) and Sue Mohrman (Senior Research Scientist, CEO) was a review of the data from our study of the role of corporate boards in sustainability.

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Adoption of Employee Involvement Practices: Organizational Change Issues and Insights

Employee involvement (EI) as part of a set of high performance work system (HPWS) has successfully transformed a large number of organizations and become standard practice many new organizations today. George S. Benson (University of Texas at Arlington), Michael Kimmel (University of Texas at Arlington), and Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) review the recent research on EI and HPWS and suggest ways in which change research and theory can inform our understanding of why EI practices have fallen short of their potential.

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ERG’s and Innovation, 2/26/13, Audio/Slides

Theresa Welbourne and Lacey Leone McLaughlin discussed new learnings from the first Employee Resource Group (ERG) Summit and the research conducted for that program.

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Leveraging the Secrets of Memory Champions to Craft Memorable Messages, 2/7/13, Audio/Slides

How many meetings have you attended where you literally forgot most of what you had just heard by the meeting’s end? In this webinar, Jay Conger explored how to make the message behind your presentations endure far beyond the meeting. He covered the techniques developed by memory champions which you can deploy in your own presentations.

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Negative Effects of Extrinsic Rewards on Intrinsic Motivation: More Smoke Than Fire

Gerald E. Ledford, Jr. (CEO), Meiyu Fang (National Central University, Taiwan), and Barry Gerhart (University of Wisconsin) demonstrate that motivation research makes a basic distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. In general, researchers define intrinsic motivation as that which arises from performing the task.

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Stubborn Traditionalism in HRM: Causes and Consequences

This article by John W. Boudreau (CEO) and Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) examines two questions using cross-sectional analysis of our most recent survey of HR leaders. First we find that slow progress matters, because progress on HR functional features is related to important outcomes, including HR’s role in strategy, effectiveness as a function, and organizational performance. Second, we explore one explanation for HR’s stubborn traditionalism, in the organization’s management approach.

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Workforce Planning Across the Great Divide

John W. Boudreau (CEO) and Ian Ziskin (CEO) argue that even today’s most sophisticated SWP systems often focus solely on the workforce, using frameworks and tools that are largely in the domain of human resources management, and often provide the majority of their information about the HR function and its processes and activities.

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Sustainability: What Should Boards Do?

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) and Susan A. Mohrman (CEO) explain that today, sustainability is not just a matter of good citizenship; it has become critical to the survival of corporations. Corporations need to operate in a sustainable manner in order to assure that they have strong communities and ecologies in which to operate.

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Effectiveness of Management Approaches

Ed Lawler and John Boudreau discuss the effectiveness of five different approaches to management: bureaucratic, low-cost operator, high involvement, global competitor and sustainable.

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Using HR Analytics for Modeling and Making Sense of Compensation, 12/12, Audio/Slides

In this webinar Alec Levenson reviewed the principles and uses of models as decision making aids, even when there is not enough time or data for doing statistical analysis.

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