Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Do They Do What They Believe They Can? Group-Efficacy and Group Effectiveness Across Tasks and Cultures

Cristina B. Gibson discusses group-efficacy, a group’s belief regarding its ability to perform effectively. It is argued that group-efficacy effects are complex and moderated by several contingency factors.

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Preserving Commitment During Downsizing: An Empirical Test of the Mitigating Effect of Trust and Empowerment

Gretchen M. Spritzer and Aneil K. Mishra explore whether the commitment of downsizing survivors can be preserved at a level comparable to employees who have not been subjected to a downsizing.

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Our Past, Present, and Future in Teams: The Role of Human Resource Professionals in Managing Team Performance Across Cultures

Cristina B. Gibson and Bradley L. Kirkman discuss how the majority of Fortune 1000 employees have been affected by the widespread proliferation of work teams.

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Understanding Group-Efficacy: An Empirical Test of Multiple Assessment Methods

In this paper by Cristina B. Gibson, Amy E. Randell, and P. Christopher Earley, methods of assessing group-efficacy were examined using a multi-party role play negotiation.

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Charismatic Leadership in Organizations

Charismatic Leadership in Organizations

Jay A. Conger and Rabindra N. Kanungo explain that although charismatic leadership is often known for its positive consequences, it has a shadowed side that has been poorly explored.

Who Needs MBA’s in H.R.? USC’s Strategic H.R. Management MBA Concentration

P. Adler and E. Lawler III discuss how article after article on the future of U.S. corporations stresses the importance of HR skills for line managers and “business partner” skills for HR managers. Despite this very few MBA programs offer concentrations in HRM.

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The Role of Top Management in Large Scale Change: The View From Within

Sue Mohrman argues that top management should focus on organizational architecture, on leading the learning process, on providing very clear strategic direction, and on building a new employment relationship.

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Teams and Information Technology: Creating Value Through Knowledge

In this paper, Tora K. Bikson, Susan G. Cohen, and Don Mankin examine how information and information technology can make teams more effective.

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Executive Compensation

This chapter by Kevin J. Murphy summarizes the empirical and theoretical research on executive compensation and provides a comprehensive and up-to-date description of pay practices (and trends in pay practices) for chief executive officers (CEOs).

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Beyond Competencies: Using the Ability to Learn from Experience for the Early Identification of International Executives

Morgan W. McCall, Gretchen M. Spreitzer, and Joan D. Mahoney discuss the development of an instrument which measures both traditional competencies for international executive success and the ability to learn from experience.

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Explaining How Survivors Respond to Downsizing: The Roles of Trust, Empowerment, Justice and Work Redesign

In this paper, Aneil K. Mishra and Gretchen M. Spreitzer develop a stress-based framework of survivors’ responses to downsizing.

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