Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Creating Excellence Out of Crisis: Organizational Transformation at the Chicago Tribune

This article by Robert M. Frame, Warren R. Nielsen, and Larry E. Pate describes an extensive organizational transformation effort-conceptually similar to an organization development program — with the Chicago Tribune, prompted by a walk-out strike in July 1985 involving about 1000 production workers.

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Why Physician Managers Fail

It is no small step to leave behind years of training, apprenticeship, and clinical practice to take on a new profession. Yet that is what increasing numbers of physicians are doing as they enter managerial jobs, as discussed by Morgan W. McCall, Jr., and Judith A. Clair in this article.

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A Conditional Theory of CEO Intervention and Strategic Change

According to Arvind Bhambri and Larry Greiner, research reveals that new CEOs frequently intervene to attempt major strategic change but, on average, make a minimal impact on the economic performance of their organizations.

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Employee Involvement and Pay System Design

This article by Edward E. Lawler III discusses a pay strategy that supports employee involvement. It emphasizes pushing information, knowledge, power and rewards to lower organization levels.

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A Profile of Meetings In Corporate America: Results of the 3M Meeting Effectiveness Study

This report by Peter M. Monge, Charles McSween, and JoAnne Wyer presents the findings of the 3M Meeting Effectiveness Study. 903 people from 36 small, medium, and large companies in the public and private sectors completed a detailed survey describing the last meeting they attended.

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Career Disintegration in Mergers and Acquisitions

In this paper by Rikard Larsson and Michael J. Driver, a career perspective is applied to mergers and acquisitions to highlight the individual viewpoint in these prevalent organizational events.

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The Design of Skill-Based Pay Plans

Gerald Ledford, Jr. discusses how in skill-based pay (SBP) systems, employees receive compensation for the range, depth, and types of skills they possess.

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Interpersonal Relations as a Context for Improving the Effect of Performance Appraisal Interviews on Employee Performance and Satisfaction: A Longitudinal Study

A field study was conducted by Barry R. Nathan, Allan M. Mohrman, Jr., and John Milliman to determine the effect of supervisor-subordinate interpersonal relations and the content and conduct of the appraisal review on reactions to the performance appraisal review, and job satisfaction and job performance after the review.

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Top Management Team Tenure and Organizational Outcomes: The Moderating Role of Managerial Discretion

Drawing on an upper echelons framework, and modeling managerial discretion as a moderating variable, this study by Sydney Finkelstein and Donald Hambrick examined the relationship between-managerial tenure and such organizational outcomes as strategic persistence, strategic conformity and performance conformity.

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Large-Scale Organizational Change

Large-Scale Organizational Change

Allan M. Mohrman, Susan Albers Mohrman, Gerald E. Ledford, Jr., Thomas G. Cummings, Edward E. Lawler III; Associates. (Jossey-Bass, 1989)
This book provides a comprehensive examination of the theoretical questions and practical issues organizations face when they undergo a large-scale change — that is, a change in the fundamental character of an entire organization.

Using Experience to Develop Managerial Talent: A Professional’s Guide to On-the-Job Development

Morgan W. McCall, Jr., Esther T. Hutchison, and Virginia Homes discuss how developing top level executive talent is a serious challenge for U.S. corporations, and, according to some experts, essential to the future competitiveness of those firms.

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Deming Versus Performance Appraisal: Is There a Resolution?

In this article by Allan M. Mohrman, Jr., “performance management” is described and put forth as an evolution of performance appraisal that is consistent with much of Deming’s philosophy and therefore diffuses his complaints about appraisals.

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