Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

The New Frontier of Analytics: Going Beyond Data and ROI, December 2, 2014

In this webinar, Alec Levenson will present a comprehensive approach to conducting enterprise and human capital analytics in an integrated way to maximize both organizational capability and bottom line impact.

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Learning Analytics that Maximize Business Impact

This article covers analytics for evaluating the impact of training and development (T&D). There is a literature on measuring T&D impact, starting with Kirkpatrick’s classic model and ROI calculations promoted by Phillips and others. Alec Levenson takes a different approach, using analytics of T&D to inform not just program measurement, but also program design and implementation.

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HR Analytics – Turning Survey Data into Action, 12/04/13, Recording/Slides

It is easier than ever to access and analyze HR and employee data. In this session, Alec Levenson will review a number of common data and survey practices in use today and discuss alternatives that can lead to deeper insights.

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What distinguishes the Millennial generation from Generation X at work?

Jennifer J. Deal (Center for Creative Leadership), Alec R. Levenson (CEO), and George S. Benson (University of Texas) answer the questions, “So what drives organizational commitment, helps Gen Xers and Millennials thrive, and improves retention? And what do organizations need to know about what is different for Millennials and Gen Xers, so they can most effectively address the needs of each generation?”

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What works for leading the new multi-generational workforce

Alec R. Levenson (CEO), George S. Benson (University of Texas), and Jennifer J. Deal (Center for Creative Leadership) recently completed a global research project that provides the most comprehensive view of the multi-generational workforce to date.

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