The article presents a personal historical review of the person-organization fit (PO) literature by Amy Kristof-Brown, Benjamin Schneider and Rong Su. We present six conundrums and research evidence about each that we’ve encountered while studying fit during our...
Research and Insights Archive
Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations
Available Content
The Job as Work Role and Profession: It’s More Than Skills
This paper argues that strategic workforce planning (SWP) tailored to the demands of the modern workplace fosters a culture of professionalism essential for evolving work roles. As the contemporary work environment becomes more dynamic, interdependent, and complex, the nature of worker roles shifts from narrowly defined jobs to broader responsibilities requiring adaptability, discretion, and ethical […]
Strategy Bites Back: Strategic HR May Win Out in Culture War
Over the years, data has supported the notion that culture eats strategy for breakfast. But then subsequent studies suggest that strategy is more important — it eats culture. This year is an interesting mix.
by Theresa M. Welbourne
How to Steer Clear of Groupthink
by Alec Levenson, Jennifer Mueller, and Sarah Harvey
Harvard Business Review
Decentralizing Your Operating and Talent Models the Right Way
To operate their organizations effectively across the globe, leaders need to rethink how and where work gets done.
CEO Research Statement by Jennifer Deal
The Center for Effective Organizations is thrilled to welcome Jennifer Deal as a Senior Research Scientist. Her research statement follows: Overall Research Program My research is focused on addressing key issues leaders are facing by advancing theory and developing...
People Management in Work Organizations: Fifty Years of Learnings
Ben Schneider shares fifty years of lessons learned in people management.
Investing in People: Financial Impact of Human Resource Initiatives, Third Edition
The demand for organizational accountability has never been greater. The future of work, talent, and employment are changing at an unprecedented pace, and organizational decisions about how to invest in people are under increasing scrutiny. Leaders realize their decisions about human resources are crucial in an uncertain and interconnected world, yet decisions about people remain among the least systematic and evidence-based, compared to resources such as money and technology. Investing in People draws upon state-of-the art practice and research across disciplines including psychology, economics, accounting, and finance to provide HR professionals and leaders with proven guidelines for evaluating key HR initiatives.
Hard Working Coworkers: A Multi-Level Cross-National Look at Group Work Hours and Work-Family Conflict
This study by Hoda Vaziri, Ph.D., George S. Benson, Ph.D., and Maritza Salazar Campo, Ph.D. investigates the relationship between coworker work hours and perceived work-to-family conflict (WFC) in a multinational sample of professional service employees.
Human Resource Excellence: An Assessment of Strategies and Trends
Tracing changes in a global sample of firms across the US, Europe, and Asia, this landmark volume by Ed Lawler and John Boudreau (Stanford University Press, 2018) provides an international benchmark against which to measure a company’s HR practice.
Ed Lawler discusses the benefits of staff turnover
Is turnover such a bad thing? Ed Lawler discusses the benefits of turnover using methods incorporated by Zappos as an example.
Reinventing Talent Management: Principles and Practices for the New World of Work
In this book, preeminent organizational scholar Edward Lawler identifies a comprehensive and integrated set of talent management practices that fit today’s rapidly evolving workplace.