Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Talent Agility is Critical

Although there is great agreement that organizations have to get better at changing, there is much less agreement on what organizations need to do in order to become more agile. In our recent book, The Agility Factor, Chris Worley, Tom Williams, and Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) provide an answer.

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Sustainable Effectiveness and Organization Development

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) shares that there is growing movement around the globe to broaden the definition of organizational effectiveness. Fewer and fewer countries and societies are willing to accept that financial performance is all that matters when it comes to organizational performance.

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The Changing Landscape of Employee Rewards: Observations and Prescriptions

This article by Gerald E. Ledford, Jr. (CEO) examines the dramatic changes in employee rewards since the Center for Effective Organizations (CEO) was created 35 years ago.

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Data-Driven Storytelling, 4/22/14, recording/slides

Theresa Welbourne (Research Professor, CEO), and special guest, Katie Metcalf (HR Data Analyst Manager, Microsoft)
Data-Driven Storytellers help leaders use HR data to have highly interactive dialogues that lead to decisive action that fuels high-impact and measurable business results.

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Effective HR Management: Will HR Capabilities Face the Future

USC professors John Boudreau and Ed Lawler describe a unique longitudinal study of the evolution of the HR function that began in 1995 with data collection done every 3 years. The results suggest that HR is changing slower than most HR leaders believe, and they suggest how to accelerate the path to a more effective HR profession.

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Maximizing Your Return on HR Information Technology (HRIT), 3/17/14, recording/slides

Gerry Ledford (Senior Research Scientist, CEO)
The typical Fortune 500 organization spends millions of dollars annually on HR information technology, counting the cost of software, programming, training, and consulting.

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Employee Resource Groups, 3/4/14, recording

Join Theresa Welbourne as she takes a deeper dive into last year’s Employee Resource Group research, which uncovered ERG’s as sources of innovation. During the webinar she will discuss how ERG’s are driving and aligning with the business.

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Becoming A Compelling Presenter: Lessons from the Best of the TedX Talks, 3/4/14, Recording

The TedX Talks offer a unique opportunity to observe in action some of the world’s best presenters. In this webinar, Jay will share his insights into how you can apply these same techniques to your presentations.

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Employee Resource Groups, 3/4/14, recording

Join Theresa Welbourne as she takes a deeper dive into last year’s Employee Resource Group research, which uncovered ERG’s as sources of innovation. During the webinar she will discuss how ERG’s are driving and aligning with the business.

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Corporate Stewardship Conference

Corporate Stewardship Conference hosted by the Center for Effective Organizations, Honoring Warren Bennis, with speakers Howard Schultz, Chief Executive Officer, Starbucks, Terri Kelly, Chief Executive Officer, W. L. Gore & Associates, and James Sinegal, Co-Founder and Director, Costco.