Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Integrating Analytics and OD for Deeper Impact Webinar

Integrating Analytics and OD for Deeper Impact Webinar
with Alec Levenson and Maura Stevenson

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Exponential Talent: A Systems Approach to HR Analytics Podcast

Exponential Talent: A Systems Approach to HR Analytics Podcast

​In this podcast, CEO’s Alec Levenson discusses why organizations struggle to derive value from their HR analytics efforts and offers useful suggestions for improvement. He offers ideas that are non-intuitive but have demonstrated results. For example, start with the right questions and the data you have, do not fall into the trap of doing fancy analytics when sometimes simple descriptives are all you need and having analytics-driven insights does not guarantee accurate interpretation. Anyone struggling to get the buy-in for investing in analytics efforts or looking to tighten the link between data-based insights and HR decision making will find value in this podcast.

A Conversation with the Lusk Center for Real Estate: A Long Time Until the New Economic Normal

A Long Time Until the New Economic Normal
with CEO’s Alec Levenson, Hosted by Richard K. Green, Director of the Lusk Center for Real Estate

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People Analytics and Change

Click here for the PowerPoint slides (in PDF format). People Analytics has made great strides in the world of HR, rapidly becoming a core capability that most CHROs feel they cannot do without. Yet even as organizations continue to build greater people analytics capability, the field struggles to find the best ways to engage with […]

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Analytics and OD: Twins Separated at Birth?

Analytics and OD: Twins Separated at Birth?

During the development of the modern HR function over the past half century, four disciplines emerged that define the essential expertise for strategic HR: business strategy, organization design, organizational development (OD) and analytics. As Dave Ulrich has often noted, the traditional HR function was very inward looking. In contrast, each of these disciplines requires an […]

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