Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

HR Metrics and Analytics – Uses and Impacts

In this article by Edward E. Lawler III (CEO), Alec R. Levenson (CEO), and John W. Boudreau (CEO), whether and how the HR function in corporations uses metrics and analytics is studied.

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No More Excuses for HR: It’s Time to Add Value and Cut Costs

In 1995, our survey of HR executives reported that the HR department spent 80 percent of its time on managing administrative services such as payroll, benefits, relocation, record keeping, and the auditing and development of HR processes. When we resurveyed these executives in 2001, their responses were the same.

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What It Means To Treat People Right

A key part of treating people right is the establishment of a mutually beneficial employment relationship or contract. What a contract should contain, and how it can be turned into an employer brand is the focus of this article by Edward E. Lawler III (CEO).

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Human Resources Business Process Outsourcing

Human Resources Business Process Outsourcing

Edward E. Lawler III, David Ulrich, Jac Fitz-enz, James Madden, and Regina Maruca, (Jossey-Bass, 2004) discuss how today’s highly competitive marketplace demands that human resources departments emerge from under their administrative workloads and become full partners in determining their organizations’ winning strategies.

Leading a Virtuous Spiral Organization

Edward Lawler argues that in today’s organizations it is impossible to separate the performance and well being of organizations from the performance and well being of their members.

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Reward Practices and Performance Management

E. Lawler explains that there is one potential determinant of performance management system effectiveness, however, which has received relatively little attention: how tightly the results of the performance management system are tied to significant rewards.

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Pay Practices in Fortune 1000 Corporations

Are the reward systems in major US corporations changing? As part of its triennial survey of organizational performance improvement efforts, the Center for Effective Organizations has gathered data on the pay practices of large corporations since 1987.

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Human Resources Management: New Consulting Opportunities

E. Lawler and S. Mohrman explain that the future of HR consulting is inseparable from the future of the HR function in organizations. There is little doubt in our minds that the ways in which the HR function is managed, positioned and operates in corporations today will change dramatically over the next decade and that these changes will affect HR consulting.

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HR As a Strategic Partner: What Does it Take to Make it Happen?

E. Lawler and S. Mohrman share that a number of articles, books and studies have argued that HR needs to become a strategic partner. But is HR becoming a strategic partner?

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Performance Management: What Works?

E. Lawler and M. McDermott argue that establishing an effective performance management system is a major challenge for most organizations. It has been a key topic in the human resources management literature for decades

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