Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Seize the Day: Organizational Studies Can and Should Make a Difference

Susan Mohrman explains that the organizational sciences have an unprecedented opportunity to generate information that is useful to organizations and can make a difference in how organizations evolve and in the quality of life of people.

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New Directions for the Human Resources Organization: An Organization Design Approach

First published in 1996, this report by S. Mohrman, E. Lawler, and G. McMahan presents findings of a 1995 study that examined the human resources function in 130 large companies to see whether changes in the business environment and strategy of the corporation were leading to changes in practice and organization of the human resources function.

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Doing Research That is Useful for Theory and Practice

Doing Research That is Useful for Theory and Practice

Edward E. Lawler III, Allan M. Mohrman, Susan A. Mohrman, Gerald E. Ledford, Jr. and Thomas G. Cummings, (Jossey-Bass, 1999)
Dealing with issues that cut across all social and behavioral sciences, Doing Research That Is Useful for Theory and Practice is full of practical advice on conducting successful research.

Consulting to Team-Based Organizations: An Organizational Design and Learning Approach

S. Mohrman and K. Quam discuss how team-based organizations follow a different logic from traditional hierarchical organizations that rely primarily on individuals as the primary performing unit.

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The Contexts for Geographically Dispersed Teams and Networks

Sue Mohrman discusses how in this era of global integration, electronic connectivity, and network and partner structures, work is with increasing frequency performed and integrated by geographically dispersed, or distributed, teams and networks.

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Factors Affecting the Organizational Commitment of Technical Knowledge Workers: Generation X, Baby Boomers, and Beyond

D. Finegold, S. Mohrman, and G. Spreitzer discuss how gaining the commitment of knowledge workers will be one of the central management challenges in the new millennium.

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We Can’t Get There Unless We Know Where We Are Going

In this chapter, S. Cohen, S. Mohrman, and A. Mohrman closely examine one set of factors that are critical for knowledge work team effectiveness –how organizations set and communicate direction for teams.

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The Role of Top Management in Large Scale Change: The View From Within

Sue Mohrman argues that top management should focus on organizational architecture, on leading the learning process, on providing very clear strategic direction, and on building a new employment relationship.

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Learning and Knowledge Management in Team-Based New Product Development Organizations

S. Mohrman, R. Tenkasi, and A. Mohrman, Jr. discuss how configuring organizations into cross-functional new product development teams introduces new knowledge management and learning challenges.

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