Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Digital Sociotechnical System Design

Stu Winby (Spring) and Sue Mohrman, Ph.D. (CEO) explain how digital platforms increasingly are dictating how work is carried out, breaking down boundaries between companies, geographies, customers, and other stakeholders and participants, and determining who will benefit from advancing technology.

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Reflections: Sociotechnical Systems Design and Organization Change

This paper by William Pasmore, Ph.D. (Center for Creative Leadership), Stu Winby (Spring), Sue Mohrman, Ph.D. (CEO) traces the evolution of sociotechnical systems design from its origins in the coal mines of Great Britain to the present day and beyond, into our digital future.

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Adapting to Disruption: Frameworks and Lessons from the Field

In this webinar, Chris Worley and Sue Mohrman from USC’s Center for Effective Organizations and Beth Gunderson, Senior Director of Organization Capabilities at General Mills, will present field based learning and new frameworks for continual transformation. General Mills, like all processed foods companies, has been exposed to severe industry disruption. Beth will discuss approaches they have taken through the lens of the new models and frameworks that are needed to routinely respond to disruption.

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Susan G. Cohen Doctoral Research Award

The Susan G. Cohen Research Award in Organization Design, Effectiveness, and Change, jointly given by CEO and the Organization Development and Change (ODC) division of the Academy of Management, is offered in remembrance of Dr. Susan Cohen, who was a research scientist at CEO, in the Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California, from 1988-2006.

Designing Organizations for the Digital World

In this webinar, Stu Winby, President, Spring Networks, will join CEO Research Scientists Sue Mohrman and Chris Worley to discuss and give examples of the fundamentally changed organization designs that are emerging.

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Analytics and Design for High Performance

In this webinar Drs Levenson and Fink review the evidence on the roles of technology and control systems in promoting performance, separate from employee engagement. They show how engagement can help enhance performance in some jobs while having little to no impact in other jobs.

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Workplace Fatigue is a Systems Problem

Alec Levenson (CEO) explains that workplace fatigue is traditionally treated almost exclusively as an individual issue, and it certainly is the case that individual differences lead some individuals to experience fatigue and, ultimately, to burn out more than others. Yet not enough attention has been paid to factors arising from work design and organization strategy.

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Organization Design Capabilities: What Organizations Need to be Agile in Today’s Increasingly Turbulent World

During this webinar, Sue Mohrman and Chris Worley provide an overview of organization design, describe its importance, and make the business case for an internal design capability.

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Why High Performance Work Design Trumps Employee Engagement

In this article Alec Levenson (CEO) takes an in-depth look at high performance, how it’s related to and different from engagement, and what leaders have to do to develop and sustain high performance.

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How HR Supports Organization Agility, 2/29/2016

In this webinar, Chris Worley and Sue Mohrman, Senior Research Scientists and Directors of CEO’s Organization Design Program, describe the foundations of agility – how the full systems design using the Star Model compliments today’s VUCA world.

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