Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Integrated Speed and Flexibility: Delivering Customer Solutions

Jay R. Galbraith states that a challenge for organization designers is to create an organization that can act with speed, flexibility and integration. Up until now, designers could create organizations that are characterized by any two of those features but not all three.

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Why Leadership Development Efforts Fail

J. Conger and D. Ready state that in the past couple of years, leadership has become the hottest topic in business. Companies see this hard-to-pin-down ability as essential to organizational success, and they want their executives to learn how to exercise it.

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4-D Theory of Strategic Transformation: When New CEOs Succeed and Fail

Larry Greiner, Thomas Cummings, and Arvind Bhambri discuss how there is no honeymoon for most new CEOs these days. Instead, they are challenged immediately by their boards to make major changes and improve financial performance. Entering with strong mandates for change, new CEOs frequently launch strategic transformation initiatives.

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Performance Improvement Capability: Keys to Accelerating Performance Improvements in Hospitals

Paul S. Adler, Seok_Woo Kwon, Patricia Riley, Jordana Signer, Ben Lee, and Ram Satrasala explain that improvement trajectory is the fruit of a series of improvement projects, the proximate cause of this variation between organizations lies in the varied ways these projects are managed.

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Building Trust: Effective Multi-Cultural Communication Process in Virtual Teams

Cristina B. Gibson and Jennifer A. Manuel share that collective trust is a crucial element of virtual team functioning. Collective trust can be defined as a shared psychological state in a team that is characterized by an acceptance of vulnerability based on expectations of intentions or behaviors of others within the team.

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HR As a Strategic Partner: What Does it Take to Make it Happen?

E. Lawler and S. Mohrman share that a number of articles, books and studies have argued that HR needs to become a strategic partner. But is HR becoming a strategic partner?

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Virtual Teams that Work: A Framework for Virtual Team Effectiveness

Susan G. Cohen and Cristina B. Gibson share how virtual teams can be either dramatic successes or dismal failures (or anywhere in between). Virtual teams amplify both the benefits and the costs of teamwork.

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Best Practices for Virtual Team Effectiveness

Cristina B. Gibson and Susan G. Cohen discuss best practices for virtual-team leaders, members, and facilitators.

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Leveraging Adversity for Strategic Advantage

A. Levenson shares how in 2000-01 companies were hit hard by a number of economic shocks, including industry-specific cycles, the stock market collapse, and national recession.

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Harvesting What They Grow: Can Firms Get a Return on Investments in General Skills?

D. Finegold, G. Benson, and S. Mohrman explain that economic theory predicts that firms will not invest in developing employees’ general skills because unlike investments in physical capital, this human capital can walk out the door at any time. Companies, however, are spending billions of dollars each year on general education and training programs.

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Contextual Determinants of Organizational Ambidexterity

Cristina B. Gibson and Julian Birkinshaw empirically investigate predictors and consequences of organisational ambidexterity, defined as the capacity to simultaneously achieve alignment and adaptability.

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ROI and Strategy for Teams and Collaborative Work Systems

Alec Levenson share that return on investment (ROI) has long been used to evaluate capital spending projects. The underlying principle is straightforward and compelling: use a uniform financial metric for projects and outcomes that otherwise would be difficult to compare.

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