John W. Boudreau (CEO) and Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) explain how talent analytics and reporting must shift from a focus on cost-efficiency and process effectiveness, while familiar and important, to a balanced combination that also extends to strategic measures that enhance talent and business decisions.
Research and Insights Archive
Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations
Available Content
Rethinking Corporate Purpose: Ed Lawler’s latest Forbes blog post
In the past, all too often talent has been thought of and treated as a maintenance item, not a critical determinant of performance. It has been looked at as a “don’t mess it up” factor rather than a source of competitive advantage, and as a result, has not been a major focus in many corporations or one where organizations have done new and exciting things in order to gain a competitive advantage.
Global Trends in Human Resource Management: A Twenty-Year Analysis
Global Trends in Human Resource Management, the seventh report from CEO, provides the newest findings about what makes HR successful and how it can add value to organizations today. Edward E. Lawler III and John W. Boudreau conclude that HR is most powerful when it plays a strategic role, makes use of information technology, has tangible metrics and analytics, and integrates talent and business strategies.
Human Resource Slack, Human Capital Risk, and Firm Performance: Should Firms Grow Employees Faster Than Sales?
Varkey Titus Jr. (University of Nebraska) and Theresa M. Welbourne (CEO) utilize a sample of firms that are at a critical moment of growth: after going public. Analysis of 1,437 firm-year observations comprised of 330 initial public offerings (IPO) tracked over the course of five years indicates that the relationship between HR slack and profitability is curvilinear (inverted-U shape).
Organization Agility and Talent Management
This article by Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) and Christopher G. Worley (CEO) uses case studies on Netflix and oDesk to show that organizations can create an agile workforce by adopting a set of talent management practices that encourage employees to learn and develop, and by reducing the transaction costs associated with changing the skill sets in their workforce.
Individualizing Organizations: What it takes
Forty years ago, Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) wrote an article arguing that organizations could be more effective and provide a better quality of life for their employees if they would individualize their relationship with their employees.
Talent Analytics Measurement and Reporting: Building a Decision Science or Merely Tracking Activity?
John W. Boudreau (CEO) and Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) ask the question “Is the use and effectiveness of talent and HR reporting progressing from a focus on cost-efficiency and process-effectiveness, and toward a balanced combination that includes them, but extends to strategic measures than enhance talent and business decisions?”
Becoming A Compelling Presenter: Lessons from the Best of the TedX Talks, 3/4/14, Recording
The TedX Talks offer a unique opportunity to observe in action some of the world’s best presenters. In this webinar, Jay will share his insights into how you can apply these same techniques to your presentations.
Appreciating and ‘retooling’ diversity in talent management conceptual models: A commentary on “The psychology of talent management: A review and research agenda”
This commentary by John W. Boudreau (CEO) on “The Psychology of Talent Management” suggests that readers should avoid concluding that the diversity of talent management concepts across psychological disciplines is something to be “corrected,” and instead embrace it as a resource to be tapped for future understanding.
What distinguishes the Millennial generation from Generation X at work?
Jennifer J. Deal (Center for Creative Leadership), Alec R. Levenson (CEO), and George S. Benson (University of Texas) answer the questions, “So what drives organizational commitment, helps Gen Xers and Millennials thrive, and improves retention? And what do organizations need to know about what is different for Millennials and Gen Xers, so they can most effectively address the needs of each generation?”
What works for leading the new multi-generational workforce
Alec R. Levenson (CEO), George S. Benson (University of Texas), and Jennifer J. Deal (Center for Creative Leadership) recently completed a global research project that provides the most comprehensive view of the multi-generational workforce to date.
Leveraging the Secrets of Memory Champions to Craft Memorable Messages, 2/7/13, Audio/Slides
How many meetings have you attended where you literally forgot most of what you had just heard by the meeting’s end? In this webinar, Jay Conger explored how to make the message behind your presentations endure far beyond the meeting. He covered the techniques developed by memory champions which you can deploy in your own presentations.