Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Appreciating and ‘retooling’ diversity in talent management conceptual models: A commentary on “The psychology of talent management: A review and research agenda”

This commentary by John W. Boudreau (CEO) on “The Psychology of Talent Management” suggests that readers should avoid concluding that the diversity of talent management concepts across psychological disciplines is something to be “corrected,” and instead embrace it as a resource to be tapped for future understanding.

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Growth, Innovation and High Performance

Started in 2003 by Theresa M. Welbourne, with participation from over 9,200 different individuals, the Leadership Pulse™ is conducted in partnership with Mercer and the Center for Effective Organizations (CEO) at the University of Southern California.The research shows that optimal employee energy increases financial performance while too much energy can significantly decrease productivity.

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HR Analytics – Turning Survey Data into Action, 12/04/13, Recording/Slides

It is easier than ever to access and analyze HR and employee data. In this session, Alec Levenson will review a number of common data and survey practices in use today and discuss alternatives that can lead to deeper insights.

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Emerging Approaches to Organisation Design

Emerging Approaches to Organisation Design

This case-based research report (Mohrman, S. and Pilllans, G. (Corporate Research Forum, 2013) focuses on trends in organization design and organization design solutions that are becoming increasingly common to help manage complexity and promote learning and innovation. The report chronicles some of the major organization design challenges faced by global corporations today.

Individualizing Organizations: What it takes

Forty years ago, Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) wrote an article arguing that organizations could be more effective and provide a better quality of life for their employees if they would individualize their relationship with their employees.

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Strategic Approaches to Future Trends in HR: Does HR’s Reach Exceed its Grasp?, 9/19/13, Recording/Slides

John Boudreau presented findings from several recent research projects, including the Future of HR Trends Consortium and the “Achieving Excellence in HR” global survey, which suggest that there is a significant association between HR strategic partnership and HR success measures, but that today HR’s ambitions exceed its current role in many areas.

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Are Monetary Rewards Compatible with Lean Systems?

Gerald E. Ledford, Jr. (CEO) argues here that the lack of attention to rewards in the lean systems literature is a mistake. Decades of academic research confirm that pay exerts powerful effects on employee attitudes and behavior.

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What distinguishes the Millennial generation from Generation X at work?

Jennifer J. Deal (Center for Creative Leadership), Alec R. Levenson (CEO), and George S. Benson (University of Texas) answer the questions, “So what drives organizational commitment, helps Gen Xers and Millennials thrive, and improves retention? And what do organizations need to know about what is different for Millennials and Gen Xers, so they can most effectively address the needs of each generation?”

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What works for leading the new multi-generational workforce

Alec R. Levenson (CEO), George S. Benson (University of Texas), and Jennifer J. Deal (Center for Creative Leadership) recently completed a global research project that provides the most comprehensive view of the multi-generational workforce to date.

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HR Leadership – Create your Personal Leadership Brand, 8/06/13, Recording/Slides

This Webinar focuses on the HR leader’s role as a leader. Ian Ziskin led a conversation about what you need to know, with whom you need to interact, when you are most likely to experience development, and how you want to be thought of by others.

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Change Management is Obsolete: Learnings from Research and Practice About What’s Next, 7/30/13, Recording/Slides

There’s little disagreement that we are living in an increasingly VUCA world – volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. The question is what are we doing about it? In this webinar Chris Worley and Sue Mohrman will characterize the world we live in and explore the obsolescence of the design and change models that we use.

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