Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Exploring the Interface of Organization Design & Work System Design – Creating Sustainably Effective Organizations, 7/17/2012

Sue Mohrman and Chris Worley examine the relationship and the full system of capabilities required to create a sustainably effective organization. Both work system design and organization design are needed and must be orchestrated in order to align the resources and activities of the organization with strategy, and to ensure that valued high quality services and products are reliably and affordably delivered to the customer.

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Employee Resource Groups as Sources of Innovation

Theresa Welbourne and Ian Ziskin discussed new learnings from the first Employee Resource Group (ERG) Summit and the research conducted for that program. The data focus on what drives success of ERGs, member energy at work, and identity.

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Performance Management and Reward Systems

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO), George S. Benson (University of Texas), and Michael McDermott (McDermott Sitzman & Associates, PC) Results from our survey provide clear guidance with respect to linking performance appraisals results to changes in pay. They strongly support the view that performance appraisals systems are more effective when there is a connection between the results of a performance appraisal and the compensation of individuals.

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What Makes Performance Appraisals Effective?

Edward E. Lawler III (CEO), George S. Benson (University of Texas), and Michael McDermott (McDermott Sitzman & Associates, PC) Performance appraisals are often criticized and poorly done. However, they are not going away and should not go away. They are needed in order to effectively manage an organization’s talent. Our research suggests that performance management systems can be effective if they are designed and executed correctly.

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Performance Where It Matters

This article by Tom Williams (Booz & Company) and Christopher G. Worley (CEO) focuses on two related management concerns: (1) is consistent/sustained high performance possible and (2) what might account for it?

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Sustained High Performance and the Role of Agility

Tom Williams (Booz & Company), Chris Worley (CEO), Niko Canner (Booz & Company) and Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) explain that “Competitive environments change continuously, and the pace of change continues to increase. Yet some companies in every industry show superior performance relative to their peers over very long periods of time. Does your company have the agility required to keep up?”

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Effective Human Resource Management: A Global Analysis

Ed Lawler and John Boudreau presented the results of CEO’s sixth tri-annual survey of HR in this webinar.

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The Future of HR

Ian Ziskin and John Boudreau discussed The Future of HR: Multiple Disciplines, Multiple Connections, Multiple Levels.

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Large-Group Interventions: An Empirical Field Study of Their Composition, Process, and Outcomes

Large group interventions are an important method of organization change. This paper by Christopher G. Worley (CEO), Susan A. Mohrman (CEO), and Jennifer Nevitt (Microsoft) received the McGregor Award for the outstanding contribution to the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science for 2011.

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Strategic Industrial-Organizational Psychology Lies Beyond HR

In this commentary, John W. Boudreau (CEO) suggests that extending ”beyond HR” and within strategy may offer ways for I-O professionals to further develop the vital linkages between their work and organizational success.

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